UT3 Legacy NA Duel Cup

UT3 The Legacy Continues North American Duel Cup

Por nvz
Online, North America
1: No Cheating of any kind.
2: Players must check in on December 10th, 2017 between 2 and 3 PM EST. Check in link will be on Discord and is TBA.
3: Players must play in an agreed server location. We will have 4 server locations, New York, Denver, Chicago and Dallas.
4: The first rounds of the tournament will be played all at once, 4 matches at a time, unless we get more servers. Matches will be queued. We will possibly offer a practice server or two so players can practice while they wait for their match to be up.
5: Saying GG is end of match or friendly forfeit. Please vote up a new map to properly end the match.
6: Players must record their own demos. We will be using serverside demos for highlight footage but in case of any cheating we will need to see the player demos in case the problem would arise.
7: Tournament will be 16 players, double elimination. All matches will be played in one day.