PETA Tournament (VALO)

PETA Tournament (VALO)

Por PPI Prancis
Entry fee is 25 € per team.

1.1. Tournament
PETA Tournament (VALO) is an open Tournament for Valorant, hosted by PPI Prancis and played on PC.

1.2. Administration
Everybody who is authorised by PPI Prancis to administer the PETA Tournament based on its rules and regulations will be called an "Admin". In the following, the collection of all Admins will be called the "Administration".

1.3. Participants and Commitment
1.3.1. Every Participant must:

Have a valid main Riot Account

1.3.2. By participating in the PETA Tournament, Participants acknowledge they will, without limitation, comply with the Tournament Rules and with the statements and decisions made by the Administration.

1.3.3. Every Participant acknowledges the right for the Administration to modify the rules and regulations for adjustments at any time without notice and if necessary overrule those to ensure fair play and integrity throughout the Tournament.

1.3.4. Every Participant must be respectful towards Admins and other Participants. Insults and unfair or disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated and will be punished in accordance with these rules.

1.3.5. Every Team Captain can join the Discord server to communicate with Admins for the Tournament. The link to the Discord server will be provided to participants before the start of the Tournament.

1.3.6. Every Participant has to try to win every round of the Tournament. Purposefully losing for any reason is strictly forbidden.

1.3.7. Vulgar, racist, sexist or otherwise offensive player names are forbidden. This will be at the sole discretion of the Tournament Admins.

1.3.8. Every Participant acknowledges the right for the Administration to edit players’ names if names are deemed unfit for display.

1.3.9. Every Participant in the PETA Tournament consents to the collection of footage, photo and audio material displaying or voicing them during the Tournament to be stored and used for announcements, website content and other publications by PPI Prancis unrestricted and unlimited in terms of time and place.

1.4. Communication

1.4.1. The Administration may only be contacted via the Tournament Discord. This helps Admins to coordinate as a team and work faster on issues. It will be the sole responsibility of PPI Prancis to manage communications on behalf of the Administration between Participants and the Administration. Any other form of communication shall be ignored.

2.1. Tournament Format
The Tournament is a two (2) day, Valorant tournament. The tournament will consist of a 10 team group and single elimination bracket and will be played on PC (the “Tournament”).

2.2. Score metrics
All matches except the Grand Finals will be a Best-of-One. The Grand Finals will be played as a Best-of-Three.

2.3. Registration
All Participants have to sign up on Toornament and create or join a team. Teams have a check-in period of 60 minutes before the tournament starts. The first 8 teams to ready up in time with all their players, will qualify for a spot in the tournament on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no entry fee.

2.4. Seeding
The seeding will automatically be done by Toornament at the start time of the tournament (that means uneven matches can happen in the first rounds).

2.5. Schedule
The PETA Tournament will run on 17 February 2024 starting at 13:00 and ending with the Grand Finals on 18 February 2024 at 21:00 GMT.

2.6. Tournament Restrictions
Participants must commit to playing the entire Tournament. Team Participants must remain the same for the entirety of the Tournament to ensure a level playing field. If Participants can no longer participate once the Tournament has started, the Administration will suggest the next steps and the Participant may risk forfeiting their whole Team. This is at the Administration’s sole discretion.

3.1. Match Times
Each game will be played at a time within the Tournament Window to be determined by the Administration at their sole discretion. The Group matches will be played on 17 February 2024 starting at 13:00 GMT. Quarterfinals and Semifinal matches will be played on 18 February 2024 starting at 13:00 GMT. And the Grand Finals will be played on 18 February 2024 with the live broadcast.

3.2. Rescheduling / Postponing
Matches cannot be postponed or rescheduled to another date or time unless determined by the Administration at its sole discretion for any reason.

3.3. Punctuality
Matches start at the time stated on Toornament. Each participant will have to confirm their presence in the room before the confirmation timer runs out. Matches cannot be started earlier.

Matches can't be delayed for any reason unless the previous match ran for longer than planned.

If one Team is not ready to start at the official match time, the Admins in their sole discretion may disqualify the Team from the match or the Tournament. Admins may extend the punctuality deadline in exceptional circumstances to get the match played at its sole discretion.

4.1. Check-In
All Team Captains can join the Tournament Discord server and check in with Tournament staff. All Participants must be available at the time the Tournament rounds start on Toornament and ready up for each match.

4.2. Map Selection
4.2.1. Map Pool:

The map pool consists of Bind, Haven, Split, Ascent, Icebox, Breeze, Lotus, Pearl, Sunset and Fracture.

4.2.2. Map Selection Process for Best-of-One Matches:

This process has to happen in the Discord for each game. Team A starts the process and the map for the Match will be selected according to the following procedure:

Team A bans 2 Map
Team B bans 2 Map
Team A bans 2 Map
Team B bans 2 Map
Team A bans 1 Map
Map 10 is only Map remaining
Team B picks side

4.2.3. Map Selection Process for Best-of-Three Matches:

This process has to happen in the Discord for each game. Team A starts the process and the map for the Match will be selected according to the following procedure:

Team A bans 2 Map
Team B bans 2 Map
Team A picks Map 1
Team B picks side for Map 1
Team B picks Map 2
Team A picks side for Map 2
Team A bans 2 map
Team B bans 1 map
Map 3 is only Map remaining
Team A picks side for Map 3

5.1. Streams
5.1.1. Each Participant may live stream the entirety of their Tournament games with the permission of the Administrators. Permission should be sought through the Discord channel

5.1.2. Each Participant that has permission to stream their Tournament must add to their stream (and maintain at all relevant times throughout the Tournament):

Tournament branding (in the form distributed by the Administration).
5.2. Match Start & Restarts
5.2.1. From the time a match begins, Participants are prohibited from intentionally disconnecting from the game. If a Participant or Team disconnects intentionally after the game has started, the game will continue with the remaining players and will not be restarted.

5.2.2. A Team may request a match restart if the fairness of the game is seriously compromised by an issue outside of the players control. Matters that may lead to the match being restarted include but are not limited to:
enemy players using 3rd party tools or software in breach of Riot's Terms of Service; or
if the game crashes for all players.

5.2.3. All restart requests need to be flagged to the Admin team before a restart can be actioned. Evidence to support the request must be shared and the decision on the restart will be at the sole discretion of the Admin.

5.3. Breach of Terms of Use
If Participants are found guilty of Bug Abuse or in breach of Riot's Terms of Service, they may face consequences including automatic disqualification. All punishment will be at the sole discretion of the Administration.

6.1. Reporting the score
Each Team Captain must submit a screenshot of each game’s score via Discord within 5 minutes when the game finishes. This evidence must be a screenshot of the end game leaderboard. Tournament staff will be monitoring the games but will still require scores to be submitted by each Team Captain via Discord.

7.1. Possible Punishments
The punishments for any rule violations include but are not limited to:

Loss of one match
Disqualification from the Tournament
Disqualification from future tournaments
Punishments shall be at the Administration’s sole discretion.

PETA Tournament Entry Fee Disclaimer:

Please carefully read this disclaimer before entering the PETA tournament and paying the entry fee.

Entry Fee: By participating, you agree to pay the designated entry fee. The fee is non-refundable, unless stated otherwise.

Eligibility: Payment doesn't guarantee participation. You must meet all requirements, rules, and regulations to compete. Failure to do so may result in disqualification without a refund.

Changes or Cancellation: The organizers can modify, reschedule, or cancel the tournament for various reasons. If canceled, a refund may be issued at their discretion.

Prize Distribution: The fee covers participation only and doesn't guarantee specific prizes. The organizers will determine and communicate prize distribution prior to the tournament.

Liability: The organizers, sponsors, and associated parties aren't liable for any loss, damage, injury, or technical issues during the tournament.

Code of Conduct: Participants must follow the established code of conduct. Violations may lead to disqualification without a refund.

Legal Compliance: Participants are responsible for complying with applicable laws. The organizers aren't liable for any legal consequences.

By participating and paying the entry fee, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.