Cisco Game on 24' - Americas - East

PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series
Por Jason Tedesco
Online, Americas - East
Set Length
All tournament sets will be played best-of-3 games, until Top 4 where sets will be played best-of-5.

The ruleset will remain the same between the two.
- One (1) GAME is considered to be a best of three (3) ROUNDS.
- One (1) MATCH is considered to be a best of three (3) GAMES.

Game Setup
The team that is the designated “Home” team will create the lobby and will add the “Away” team to that lobby.
- Select ONLINE.
-- Singles
-- One on One
- Rounds: 3
- Timer: 99
- Advantage: No advantage
- Control Type: Modern or Classic

Stage Selection
Players will alternate choosing stages between games. One (1) GAME is considered to be a best of three (3) ROUNDS. Each round of one game will be played on the same stage.
Home team will choose the stage for the first game.
Away team will choose the stage for the second game.
If a third game is necessary, home team will choose the stage.

Score Reporting Format: Scores will be reported in “Win/Loss” format. Teams will indicate the number of games won by each team, final scores should be one of the following: 2-0 or 1-1.
Forfeits: Forfeits will be considered a 2-0 win for the team that showed up to play.