Hotel 1v1 Invitational

The Philips Norelco Bi-Centennial Hotel 1v1 Rainbow Six Siege Piss Invitational

Por Cole Menacof
Online, All Around
Not really rules, just important stuff (copied from Discord):

First off, the MOST important resource that you guys have is the Toornament website in the pinned messages. It contains nearly everything that you will need to know about the tournament. Match times, opponents, format. Everything.

Secondly, I'd like to explain the overall format. The structure is a pre-seeded, group-fed double-elimination bracket. This means that the 12 of us have been separated by estimated skill level into 2 groups; A and B. On Friday, everyone will play each of 5 opponents in their group ONCE in a Best of 1 Match. The results of the Group Stage will set the seeding for the Bracket Stage. ALL 12 PARTICIPANTS will make it to Bracket. The top 4 seeds will have a bye round while the bottom 8 will play the opener to the bracket. It is important to remember that this is a double-elimination bracket. This means that there is a Winner's Bracket/Upper Bracket, and a Loser's Bracket/Lower Bracket. The UB will be played in Best of 3 Matches. The LB will be played in Best of 1 Matches. Finals will be explained on Saturday. During the bracket stage, it is extremely important that you all pay attention to the schedule via the website or the Toornament.TV page. I am a solo T.O. so if I have 11 people asking me when they play next, I may have no other choice than to hang myself with the nearest cloth. My suitemate Chris can tie a noose. Don't make me request his expertise.

The next subject I'd like to touch on is the Game and Match formats. As I stated in the previous section, the UB is Bo3 and the LB is Bo1. HOWEVER, throughout the tourney, ALL maps will be played using the in-game "Ranked" preset. This is important for anyone hosting their match(which will most likely eventually be all of you). When a map is decided, I need one player from the match to tell me the score of the map BEFORE moving on to the next map/game/round. When your match is done, I will input the result, notify the participants of the match, and move you on to the next round. IF IT IS NOT TIME FOR YOUR NEXT MATCH TO START, you CAN start early if both players agree. Otherwise, it must start BY the scheduled time. Matches may NOT be played if they are scheduled for a different day.

MAP PICKS/BANS. This will be an alien concept for most of you unless you have some sort of eSports experience. For each Match, the two players must do Pick and Bans RIGHT BEFORE they begin the match. Map choices will be in a separate pinned message. Here are examples of P/B rounds for both Lower and Upper Bracket Matches:
Player 1 bans Clubhouse
Player 2 bans Kafe
Player 1 bans Sky
Player 2 bans Border
Player 1 bans Bank
Player 2 bans Chalet
Player 1 bans Coast
Player 2 bans Villa
Player 1 bans Theme
Player 2 bans Outback
Map is Oregon
Player 1 chooses sides(Def. or Atk.)
Player 1 bans Kafe
Player 2 bans Oregon
Player 1 picks Coast
Player 2 picks Villa
Player 1 bans Bank
Player 2 bans Sky
Player 1 bans Club
Player 2 bans Border
Player 1 bans Outback
Player 2 bans Theme
Decider map is Chalet
Player 2 chooses sides for Coast
Player 1 chooses sides for Villa
Player with higher round-win differential chooses sides for Chalet

There NO BANNED OPS. The only operators that will be banned are the operators that you and your opponent ban in-game per map.

Lastly, I'd just like to remind everyone that this is a FRIENDLY tournament. There is no cash prize, no MMR, no trophy. Just have fun, don't be cringe, and maybe meet someone new. If anyone has ANY questions, comments, or concerns just hmu. Otherwise just check the website for your schedule and practice up. See y'all Friday!