League Venom

Por Abdel
NO SKINS. Except pro league and Pilot program skins.
All disputes will be handled by your team admin.
All games will be casted or spectated (no exceptions).
All games will be monitored and or reviewed by admins.
Winners of the free league get automatic entry into the paid league the next season.
Map pool: Clubhouse, Coastline, Consulate, Kafe, Oregon, Chalet, Villa.
Maps, and bans will decided by https://www.mapban.gg/en/ban/r6s/competitive
Cheating, Exploits, Stream sniping will result in an immediate team disqualification and individual player bans.
No run-outs until 5 seconds in spawn peeks are 2 seconds
Operators from the latest season or have recently been reworked are not allowed. If picked the operator must be 6th picked. If the operator is not, the team is forced to TK that operator.
Rematches can only occur if proof of foul play is provided, and both teams agree on the rematch.
If the offending team is proven to have subjected the match to foul play, and does not agree to a rematch, they will forfeit their points for the match.
Roster changes will only be tolerated in qualifications. Any changes after qualification will result in disqualification and player sanctions.
Orgs are allowed to enter more than one team. However each team needs to be registered under a different name, and must have separate team representatives.
Only 15 minute breaks and under are allowed in between matches. Games must be started within 15 minutes of the scheduled time. and a 5 minute break for re-hosts.
A team cannot substitute a player mid-match by re-hosting. Teams are allowed one substitute per series. More can be allowed if discussed with more than 1 admin.
Teams are allowed one re-host each per map.
A ping under 130ms is required. A ping over that will result in a rehost and use the rehost that team has for the map.
A rehost caused by internet, game, or technical issues will not result in a team losing their 1 rehost.
If there is something wrong with game settings a staff member must be notified immediately.
Matches that need to be rescheduled must be rescheduled at least 24 hours before the said game.
MOSS will be required if a suspicion against a player is noticed. I.e if you are suspected of cheating you will be required to enable MOSS.
Having a discord or Uplay name that is insulting another player or staff member, or is inappropriate will be met with a suspension until the name is changed.
No Smurfs are allowed in the league.
All players must be 13 or over.
Player will get 3 strikes:
First offence will result in a 1 game suspension
Second will result in a 3 game suspension
Third offence will result in a ban
Teams will get 3 strikes:
First strike will count as a map rehost and round loss
Second will result in a map forfeit
Third will result in a BAN
No toxicity is allowed. Continuous toxicity through a game will result in a Perm-ban. Toxicity will be determined by multiple admins.
Teams have a limit of 5 players and 3 subs. For a total of 8.
Max timeout is 2 minutes. Which can be taken 2x1 min or all at once.