Arikadou Discord Tournament Pc

Arikadou Discord Tournament Pc

Por GoldenEsper
1.0. Roster
Team rosters must consist of at least the minimum amount of players required to participate in a cup. All roster changes must be made prior to the start of a cup. Playing with different players will result in expulsion from tournament. Players must be from the Arikadou discord.

1.1. Technical Issues
Teams are responsible for their own technical issues (hardware/internet). Matches will not be rescheduled because of technical issues and matches will be played nevertheless. Hence why subs exist.

1.2. Game version
All players must install the newest version of the game in order to participate in the tournament. Updates must be installed before the tournament starts, so delays will be at a minimum.

2.0. Match Settings
Rule set: Competitive
Game mode:
All matches Leading up to finals will be a best of 3.
Finals: Best of Five
Map rotation: Single map

2.1. Custom Match Settings
2.2. Rule Set
Rule set: Competitive

2.3. Map Options
Map rotation: After a game
Map order: Single Map
Return to custom lobby: After a game

2.4. Maps
Disable all maps except for the map that is to be played.

2.5. Hero Options
Hero selection limit: 1 per team
All heroes are currently allowed
Role selection limit: None
Allow Hero Switching: On
Respawn as random hero: Off

2.6. Heroes
All heroes are to be set as "on"

2.7. Gameplay Options
High bandwidth: On
Health modifier: 100%
Damage modifier: 100%
Healing modifier: 100%
Ultimate charge rate modifier: 100%
Respawn time modifier: 100%
Ability cooldown modifier: 100%
Disable skins: Off
Disable health bars: Off
Disable kill feed: Off
Headshots only: Off

2.7. Substitute Players
One substitute is allowed to play for your team during a cup, starting with the next series. Keep in mind that the substitute must have been on the team roster before the cup started.

2.8. No show
If a participant is not ready to play 30 minutes after the scheduled match time. If they are to not turn up then your pre-elected sub to play. This is the fastest way to get your match checked to move on to the next round.

2.9. Number of players
Matches should be played as example in 6on6 with 12 players, if a side is missing a player the match can be played with less people on one side.

2.10. Disconnects
In the case that a player(s) disconnects, 30mins will be allowed for that player to reconnect. After that the team may sub/choose to continue at a disadvantage