The Lemonade Stand Summer Split 2021

Por The Lemonade Stand
10 total teams. Teams must consist of 5 players and no more than 3 total subs.

For this tournament we are capping the rank to Plat 1 and below. Possible exceptions can be made but must contact the tournament organizer.

Season play: round robin style with 3 games played every Wednesday. Game times can be moved but must be agreed upon by the two team captains. Top 6 teams at end of round robin move on to playoffs. Seeds 1 and 2 get a bye the first round

May 12 - Summer Week 1
May 19 - Summer Week 2
May 26 - Summer Week 3
June 2 - Summer Week 4
June 9 - Summer Week 5
June 16 - Summer Week 6
June 23 - Summer Week 7
June 30 - Summer Week 8
July 7 - Summer Week 9
Playoff dates to be determined