Death Box 3 Duos

Death Box 3 Duos

PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

NO Cheating! No Smurf accounts! (minimum player level 100)
Teams must USE only members of their teams that signed up.
Damage Farming (extending a fight to gain more damage) as a strat is accepted but Teams may not drop heals for opponents.
No queuing with a random or a new team member
1 member MUST be streaming - You will be assigned a mod.
Teams MUST keep Match Summary Page on screen till your mod clears you to proceed. (If you skip this by accident, mods are not liable for points not counted for. As our mods are moderating multiple games. Be savvy!)
No Quitting. Matches must be played out. If there is a disconnection. Player must reconnect (The game has this feature)
Any other technical issues are up to your Mod’s discretion.
You may share screenshots of your match summary in the #tournament-shares channel (These are just for engagement and flexing, mods will not retroactively tally points from screenshots)
5 public matches will be played back to back. 4 will be used for final points. Teams can drop their worst game.
Your Mod will let you know when to start the next game.
(Optional 5 minute break in between games. No practice games but Shooting Range is allowed in between games.)

1st - 15 points,
2nd - 12 points
3rd - 9 points
4th = 7 points
5th - 5 points
6th - 4 points
7th - 3 points
8th - 2 points
9th - 1 point
10th - 1 point
KILLS: 1 point per kill (kill cap 15 per player per game)
DAMAGE: 1 point per 1k damage per game (team cumulative)
Tiebreaker - 5th Game (for tied teams)