ASIA XP 2017

Annual Asia Pro Gaming Tournament 2017

Online, kuala Lampur
3 Grenades both Flash as well as HE grenades

Semi Finals to be played total of 7 Matches
4 Winning team would reach to the Finals
In long sessions 2 day matches to be distributed precisely between teams to be decided by server admin / match organizer.

Final Winning team to be Called to Malaysia / Runner Ups Also will have to receive gifts and Rewards in Malaysia Arena Central Mall

Weapon Bans:

Kreg Commando, Deagle , NVG;
In Exceptions to the Team Captains rest team members can not take these weapons and can voluntarily decide to allocate weapon access to specific player of the team.

Grenade Bans:

Smoke Banned, (Not full Map round would be awarded instead only single round of map to be awarded to opponents)
4 Flashes per team / 1 per member
2 High Explosive Grenades / 1 per member

Player Rules:

No Reconnecting during Gameplay except exceptions granted to team captains upon requesting

Lag Issue Quits and Leaving games or scheduled matches may result to a permanent Black List and Ban for the team

Tactical Shield Banned
Bunny Hopping and Wall Hack VAC will be banned per team

Final Matches Scheduled to be set in Malaysia at Arena 1
Prize Distribution to be distributed and collected At the Arena.