Nova Presents: Clan Royalty

Nova Presents: Clan Royalty (Championship series)

Por Nova eSports
A comprehensive rule set will be available prior to the competition. The following is a preliminary outline and is subject to change:


December 18th, 5pm GMT - European Qualifier
January 1st, 9pm HKT - Asian Pacific Qualifier
January 8th, 2pm PST - West Coast Americas Qualifier
January 15th, 2pm EST - East Coast Americas Qualifier
January 21st, TBD - Europe and Asian Pacific Group Pool Play
January 22nd, 3pm EST- East and West Coast Americas Group Pool Play
January 28th, TBD - Championship Weekend - Top 16 Compete
January 29th - Championship Weekend - Top 4 Compete for the Grand Prize


The tournament will be a 3 stage, double elimination format, best of 5, team format competition. A matchup will consists of 5 1v1 games, with 3 games required to win (all 5 games do not need to be completed).

Stage 1 - Qualifiers - will be open to all teams, however spots may be limited (at the tournament organizer's discretion). This round will be divided into 4 time zone based groups, with 4 teams from each moving on to Stage 2.

Stage 2 - Round of 32 - This round will consist of 16 invited teams and 16 teams from the Qualifiers. The round will be divided into 4 time zone based groups, with 4 teams from each moving on to Stage 3. A pool play format will be used, with each team participating in exactly 7, best of 5 match ups.

Stage 3 - Finals - 16 teams will compete in a double elimination, best of 5 team format tournament. The final 2 teams will play in 3 best of 5 match ups.


Clan Affiliation - All teams must be associated with a clan and named accordingly.
- An organization may have multiple teams, however each must be named after a corresponding clan

Team Limit - An organization may have no more than 2 teams compete per group/timezone. Clans families/teams must be pre established and hold rank in any of the areas they register in

Roster - Each team must submit a minimum of 5 players, up to a maximum of 7. The 2 additional players are optional subs, however please note that no roster changes will be allowed until after Qualifiers. As such teams are encouraged to select a roster of 7 players.
- The same 5 players must compete in all matches within a given a day(players can not be subbed in between match ups).
- Once a player is rostered and competes for a team, that player may not be rostered with any other team for the remainder of the season.

Twitter - All teams must have a twitter. One twitter for all of an organization's teams is sufficient. The Twitter must follow @Clan_RoyaltyCS for updates

Captain - All teams must have a captain who is responsible for all communication with tournament organizers.

Discord - During the registration process all team captains are expected to join the CRCS Discord channel. All communication will occur on discord.