JAM-stah Overwatch Weekly

JAM-stah Overwatch Weekly

Por JAM Gaming and Gamestah Media
JAM-stah Overwatch Weekly Tournament Rules
1 General
1.1 Contact
Any queries (including disputes) related to the tournament should be address to Gamestah using discord: https://discord.gg/0Y8NbmIdfCpoWzX5

Alternative Contact from team management: [email protected]

1.2 Rules Subject To Change
These rules may be updated at any time prior to the running of the Tournament. Notices of any changes will be tweeted by @gamestah on Twitter. Teams are responsible for checking the rules before the start of each tournament.

1.3 Cheating
Don’t. If you cheat you’ll be banned from all future Gamestah Tournaments.

1.4 Disputes
If you wish to register a dispute you will need to provide replays and screenshots to support your side of the dispute. If you don’t provide these your dispute will be thrown out. So make sure you save replays and take screenshots!

2 Tournament Entry
2.1 Entry Fees
Entry to the JAM-stah Overwatch Weekly is free.

2.1 Eligibility
2.1.1 Region-locked
Only teams located in Australia or New Zealand may enter the JAM-stah Overwatch Weeklies. In addition, all players must be located in Australian or New Zealand.

2.1.2 Rosters
Teams must have a minimum of six (6) players. Two additional substitutes are allowed per team. All players and substitutes must be specified, together with battle.net IDs on the Team page during registration.

2.1.3 Roster Lock
At the start of each tournament the team roster is locked. No changes will be permitted for the duration of each tournament.
If you are unable to fill your team from your roster when you are due to play you will be disqualified.

2.1.4 Substitutes
Players may register as a substitute for up to two teams. However, a player may only play for one team per tournament.

2.1.5 Smurfing/Ring-ins
Not allowed at all. If you need to add someone to your roster they must be added prior to the tournament starting..

2.1.6 Penalties
If a team fields a player that is ineligible, all matches using that player will be forfeited.

2.1.7 Exceptions
We will consider exceptions to all eligibility rules so long as we are notified by team management. In such situations the admin’s decision is final.

2.1.8 Registration
Team registration requires a unique battle.net ID to be specified for each player in your team. This ID will be used to validate team rosters and must be accurate. Any battle.net ID discrepancies will be render the affect player ineligible.

2.2 Team Captains / Management
2.2.1 Team Captains
One player per team must be designated as team Captain. The Captain is responsible for communicating with other captains, admins and for relaying information to his/her team.

2.2.2 Email Contact
All team captains must provide a primary email contact to Gamestah during the registration process. This email should be an account that is checked at least daily! All notices affecting teams will be copied to the email address provided.

2.2.2 Discord
Team Captains and/or management should make sure they lurk in Gamestah Discord during scheduled tournament times: https://discord.gg/0Y8NbmIdfCpoWzX5

3 Match Standards
Gamestah places a high priority on good quality broadcasts that showcase team and individual brilliance. To ensure this is the focus of broadcasts, we will require players to agree to our Match Standards

3.1 Player Names
3.1.1 Standarized Names
Players must use the same name from one broadcast to the next, and this name must match the name listed in the team roster on toornament.com.

3.1.2 Penalties
Players that break naming rules will be given the chance to change them to an approved name. Should players refuse, they will be treated as breaking the Smurfing/Ring-in rule, above.

3.2 Team Names
3.2.1 Standardized Names
Team names are to remain the same throughout each individual tournament as registered on toornament.com..

3.3 Match and Broadcast Scheduling
3.3.1 Start on Time
Teams playing in matches that are scheduled to be broadcast should be ready to start their match at the scheduled time.

3.3.2 Don’t Start without Us
If your match has been nominated for broadcasting teams must wait for Gamestah casters to signal “ready” before they start their matches.

3.3.3 Early Start Penalties
If you start early you will be required to restart the match. All progress or times set will be nullified.

4. Tournament Format
4.1 Double Elimination
JAM-stah Overwatch Weeklies will run as double elimination qualifiers for the Grand Final.

4.2 No Second Chance
The Grand Final is played once, with no second chance to the team that qualifies from the Winner’s Bracket. The winner’s bracket advantage is to choose MAP1 without bans from either team.

4.3 Games Per Round
All matches prior to the Grand Final are Best-of-One (bo1).
The Grand Final is Best-of-Three (bo3).

4.4 Map Draft
4.4.1 Map Drafting Tool
Map Drafting will occur using http://owdraft.com/. Players must be familiar with using the drafting tool prior to the event.

4.4.2 Drafting Process
The Captain of the team in the higher bracket is responsible for creating the draft and providing links to the draft to players and spectators (i.e. shoutcasters).
In the below example, the Captain of Team A is responsible for creating the draft and providing links to the captain of Team B.
Team A
Team B
4.4.3 Draft Session Configuration
The Draft Session Requires the Tournament name (“JAM-stah Overwatch Weekly”) as well as the names of each team. Captains must enter the correct team names, as displayed in the toornament.com bracket.
“Starting team” should be set to Random.
4.4.4 Qualifying Rounds Draft
Teams will draft until one map remains.
4.4.5 Grand Final Draft
The Grand Final requires three maps to be chosen:
Map 1 is chosen, before bans commence, but the Winner’s bracket qualifier.
After Map 1 is chosen, the draft proceeds as normal, until 3 maps remain.

4.5 Heroes
All heroes are available to be played.
Admins reserve the right to ban a hero if a game-breaking bug is discovered.

4.6 Stopwatch Rules
All matches are played in Stopwatch Mode based on the final map completion time, or farthest objective reached.
If both teams complete the map, The fastest time will be the winner. Screenshots of completion timers must be submitted.
If the farthest objective reached is identical but the map is not completed, the fastest time on that completed objective is the winner.

4.7 Match Hosting
4.7.1 Hosting Responsibility
The Team Captain of the higher-bracketed team is responsible for setting up the match lobby.

4.7.2 Custom Game Settings
The following settings are required:
Map Rotation: Single Map
Map selection: map chosen during drafting
Return to Lobby: Payload and Capture Point = After a mirror match/Control = After a game
Disable Kill Cam: On
All other settings: Default
4.8 Reporting Match Results
4.8.1 Screenshots
All players are responsible of taking screenshots of results.

4.8.2 Captain’s Submissions
Captains must report match results as soon as possible to the Tournament admin using the jam-stah-overwatch channel on Gamestah’s Discord server: https://discord.gg/0Y8NbmIdfCpoWzX5

The tournament admin will enter results.

5. Broadcasting
Gamestah is the only approved broadcaster of JAM-stah matches.

5.1 Broadcast Channel
All matches will be broadcast on www.twitch.tv/gamestahtv1

5.2. Team and Player Agreement
Teams and players agree to have their matches broadcast by Gamestah.

5.3 Exclusive Broadcasting
No GRL matches may be streamed or broadcast by anyone other than Gamestah. This includes player-POV streaming.

5.4 Sponsors and Promotion
Gamestah is happy to promote team sponsors during match broadcasts. Teams should provide Gamestah with details of their sponsors (including graphics such as logos) to enable this promotion.

5.5 Montages and Compilations
Footage from replays of JAM-stah matches (including video or audio) may be used in montages or compilations as long as the footage includes the JAM Gaming and Gamestah Logos overlayed in a corner of the screen.
A high resolution copy of the JAM Gaming Logo can be obtained here.
A high resolution copy of the Gamestah Logo can be obtained here.
In addition, credit should be given to JAM Gaming and to Gamestah in the production closing credits.

5.6 Nominating Matches for Broadcast
Gamestah will announce which matches have been selected for broadcast as early as possible. If your match has been nominated the team captains will be informed. Ensure that you wait for the casters to join the match lobby before starting the match.

6. Player Code of Conduct
6.1 Be respectful
While a certain level of competitive banter is expected - and allowed - players are expected to be respectful to each other, the tournament admins and broadcasters.

6.2 Warnings
Teams or players that behave in an unacceptable way will receive a series of warnings from the admins. Warnings will persist from one event to the next. Good behaviour will result in the warnings decaying.

6.3 Bans
Teams or players that accumulate three (3) warnings will be banned for one or more subsequent tournaments, subject to the admins’ decision. Any attempts to circumvent a ban will result in permanent banning from Gamestah and JAM Gaming tournaments in the future.

7. Prizes
7.1 Winner-takes-all Cash Prize
The total prize pool for each JAM-stah Overwatch Weekly is $120. The team that wins the Grand Final will receive $120.

7.2 Plantronics MVP Prizes
In addition, all matches that are broadcast are eligible for the Plantronics MVP Award. All nominees from those matches will be added to a pool draw. At the end of 5 tournaments, a random draw will award a Plantronics RIG 500HD to the tournament MVP.