2v2 Tournament

2v2 Tournament (by Team Cosmic)

PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Por Higgzyboy
2v2 Gunfight Game

Best of Three: First team to win total games wins the match

Game: First team to 6 wins
Match is a best of Three games

Team rosters must consist of at least 2 players to participate in the tournament. Teams are only allowed to play with players on their roster with a registered game account. All roster changes must be made prior to the start of a tournament or contact an admin. Playing with different players and/or illegal ringers will result in punishment.

Activision ID: Players should provide their exact Activision ID. (Example Activision ID: Example#7412898)

Restricted Items and Incorrect Settings: If the hosting team hosts the lobby with incorrect settings, the hosting team will forfeit each round that the incorrect setting affected gameplay.

Random Maps all Gunfight Maps included.

Single Elimination: After losing a match, teams will be eliminated from the bracket

Default Start Time: All round one (1) matches have the same default start time (TBD). After round one (1), all matches have a unique start time that is dependent upon the time at which the teams’ previous round results were submitted. Matches must be started by their start time and played until completion. Postponing matches is only at the discretion of Online Tournament staff.

Double Forfeit: If a match is not played and neither team submits contacts Online Tournament staff requesting the forfeit win, or both teams otherwise forfeit a game/match, the game/match win will be awarded to the higher seeded team.

Seeding: Teams will be randomly seeded at the close of registration. Seeds are done in ascending order. The higher seed is determined by the team with the seed closest to zero (0).

Warm-Up: No warm-up or practice games are permitted once the match’s first game has begun. If a match is played before the scheduled time, it will not be considered a warm-up and will count as the official results.

Delays: Teams may not delay the start of a match beyond its scheduled start time, without the approval of a tournament official. Teams may delay a match between games for up to five minutes. Teams can request that a tournament official enforce this five minute time limit. After five minutes of a tournament official enforced delay, if the delaying team does not have the minimum required players, they will forfeit the match.

Lag: In the event that lag occurs, the game should be completed. The player(s) that are experiencing lag should take video proof, and provide it to tournament live support after the game has concluded. If lag is occurring, it is recommended that multiple players provide proof of the lag. Leaving the game prematurely may result in a forfeit of the round or game.

Disconnections: If a player disconnects within the first thirty (30) seconds and/or before the first kill, the game should be ended. All players must leave the match to end the game.

If a player disconnects after the first thirty seconds (30) and/or the first kill, the map must be continued and the missing player should be reinvited to the lobby. If the team with the missing player leaves the lobby, their team may forfeit the round/game in question.

Normal Boundaries: Players who move their character outside of the normal boundaries of a map may forfeit the game. Moving outside of the normal boundaries of a map includes but is not limited to part of the character’s body passing through what should be a non-permeable surface or object, and moving into any area from which your character registers shots on an opponent who is not able to register shots on your character.

After the match lobby has been created, only eligible players on the two teams and staff members may be invited/join. If an ineligible player joins a game, the game must be ended if the player affects the game and/or doesn't leave within 30 seconds of joining. If a Player is found to have invited an ineligible player to a game, they will forfeit the game.

Players: Players must utilize their own unique Username for competing. This unique Username must have been registered personally by the user. The registered Username must contain the correct and complete Name, Date of Birth, and Email of the user. If a false Name, Date of Birth, or Email was entered, the user voids the privilege to participate in this Tournament and/or receive any prizes. As a user, you are personally responsible for accepting any invitation to a Team. If you receive a paid invite to a team, you accept the credits used for entry as your own in order to participate in this competition. If you do not personally accept a Team invitation, you may be disqualified from the Tournament and forfeit any prize.

Valid Gamertags: All Gamertags and Activision IDs on a team’s roster must be valid. Each user on the Roster must legitimately own their Gamertag and Activision ID. Gamertags may not contain foul language, disparaging remarks, hateful or racist names. Any changes to a team roster after the tournament has been seeded is at the discretion of tournament staff. Players may only be added to a roster (username and gamertag) up until the end of that team's first match.
Privacy & Impersonation: Individuals are prohibited from sharing account information with another person for any reason. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: usernames, passwords, gamertags, email accounts, etc. Individuals may not use another Player’s Account in a Game. Individuals may not allow another Player to use their Account in a Game. Players who break this rule may be disqualified from the Tournament.

The rules may be updated and modified at any time, for any reason. Rulings may be made outside the scope of these rules in order to preserve fair play and tournament integrity. Participation in this Tournament constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to these Rules, the Official Rules on the Prize tab, and Tournament Official decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to this tournament. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein