Por FIGHT Esports
Online, Online
1. Teams can be consists of 5 members
2. Each team must commit to the time that has been set beforehand by the organizers.
3. This exhibition match is open for Philippines residents living in the country.
4. Tournament registration has 4 team limits and will be played in a single-elimination format.
5. Team names/player names that are found to be offensive/vulgar will not be tolerated by the organizers and a request for name change is allowed during and before the competition, teams that are found not following this will be disqualified immediately
6. Matches will be in draft mode.
7. Captains from each team need to add one another for the 1st round (elimination). For the quarter-final, semi-final and final, a moderator will invite the team leaders to join the match room.
8. Failure to cooperate will lead to the team’s disqualification

Tournament streams
1. Teams are not allowed to stream snipe the stream during the match.
2. Teams that are found to be abusing the tournament streams will be disqualified immediately and will be denied tournament winnings for this action or any action that is abusive.
3. Teams will be asked to act gracefully when the game is streamed, no vulgar words, taunting, or spamming is allowed. Any dispute should be directed to the tournament admins directly for any issues. Any teams that are found not following this rule will be disqualified immediately regardless if the game is streamed or not.

Match Rules
1. As explained in the above section, players/teams must be responsible for each member’s actions. Any member within a team that violates the player conduct will be disqualified from entering further qualifiers and the current qualifier that the teams are participating at.
2. Players must be able to commit to the time/schedule mentioned in the tournament platform and may not agree to a time that both teams are suitable to be playing at.
3. Players may not use force outside the game to influence the outcome of the game. Severe punishments such as disqualification will be imposed and will also be banned from further tournaments run by the organizers.
4. Betting is strictly forbidden between teams and will not be tolerated.
5. Agreeing on losing on purpose will also be considered as a disqualification act if found out by the organizers.
6. Teams are advised to be humble and to be strict with each other on enforcing these rules for the smooth flow of the tournament.
7. Any dispute may be directed to the tournament admins via email, WhatsApp, or call.
8. Teams that are found not following these conduct rules will be disqualified immediately

1. Failure to follow the schedule timing. Teams will be penalized in this order:
2. 10 Minutes Late: Disqualified from the match ( Free win to the opponent )
3. Failure to report to the admins in case of emergencies ( not able to attend ) or player change /Team name changes / Logo changes
• Warning Team Changes: Team will lose pick priority for the whole tournament
4. Players Misconduct:
• Warning of Player Misconduct: Team will lose pick priority for the whole tournament/Default loss.
5. Examples of player misconduct:
• Being rude/inappropriate/using vulgar words when dealing with tournaments.
• Submitting false match results.
• Providing no proof of opponents forfeiting their matches.
• Certain issues can be discussed with the admin in case of relevant cases that we may dismiss based on discussion and proof of the said issue