MSG League of Legends Series

Mack Sporting Goods League of Legends Championship Series

Por Mack Sporting Goods, LLC
Anna, TX
League of Legends 5v5 Winter League
In order to be eligible for a tournament, you must first have a valid team. The team captain is the only player entitled to enroll a team in a tournament. It is that person’s responsibility to make sure that every member of his team is:
Tournament eligible
Residentially eligible
In compliance with the age restriction
Only on one team in this tournament (however they can be on multiple teams as long as they are not enrolled in the same tournament)
Your username must match your in-game name! No exceptions.
Every player listed in a given team will be considered a member regardless of whether or not they have played in a game to date, therefore every player must be eligible at all times. If a player fails to comply with any of the above criteria, the whole team will be subject to disqualification.
To register his or her team, a captain is required to log on to the tournament platform and follow the enrollment procedure.
The team roster is the full list of players on a team enrolled in a given tournament. The minimum size of a team roster is five and the maximum is nine including substitutes (some tournaments might have different limits).
Adding New Players: Unless a tournament is locked for changes, teams without a full roster can fill any empty spots between rounds, i.e. after the end of the current round and before the creation of the following round with the generation of the new Tournament Code. Newly invited players must not have been playing in, or be currently enrolled in the same tournament.
Removing Players: The kick option will be disabled at the end of the registration phase and it will not be possible to kick any team members until the end of the current tournament.
A team may use any of the players on their roster as their starting lineup for each game. Players can only substitute a player from their roster to play in a game that has already been started if there is a game restart under the following conditions:
The Player has hardware difficulties
Player has technical / electricity difficulties
The Player has internet difficulties
Under an admin’s discretion
If there is a game restart, all players that started the game must stay on apart from the player or players that suffered the above-mentioned problems. If there are any unauthorized changes, admins can disqualify the team.
In tournament participants are required to display fair play, sporting conduct, and knowledge of all the procedures.
Once a captain receives information about their next game from admins, they will be responsible for scheduling a game with the opposing team. The game may be played at any time before the official game start time. If the game has not been played before the official game start time both teams are expected to show up and be ready to play by the ‘official start time’.
We recommend that teams be online 10 minutes prior to the official start time in order to provide enough time to enter the custom game lobby, deal with any issues that might arise, and get ready. Fewer than five members on a team will not constitute a valid team. If a game is played 4 v 5 or similar, the team without a full roster will be disqualified regardless of the match outcome.
If a valid team is not in the lobby 10 minutes after the match start time, a no-show will be automatically assigned to the team not ready to play. Your full team of five must stay in the lobby until that time. If both the teams fail to show up in time with 5 members and be ready to play 10 minutes past the match start time, a double no-show will be assigned.
A game pause is an option available in tournaments to handle major difficulties that cannot be resolved during the game. Game Pause is only available in tournaments with the game type “Tournament Draft”.
Teams may only pause the game if:
There is a major issue to solve
There are no fights underway
After the game is paused, the opposing team must be notified of the reasons for the pause
Any disputes should be handled between the teams during the pause
If there is any kind of unfair conduct, teams must make a screenshot and, after the game is over, alert an adjudicator in command of their round
After a game in which there was a pause, all the players that played the game must stay logged in for 10 minutes after the game’s end to help the admin understand what happened
It is up to the admin to examine the evidence provided, and then to either validate the game result, restart the game, or disqualify a team (for improper pause usage). The team captain, whenever possible, is responsible to gather evidence of the issue as proof for the admin.
All of the following may result in disqualification upon the admin's discretion:
Any team accused and proved to be using any hacks, cheats giving them an unfair advantage in the game.
Any team displaying poor sportsmanship or not following the Summoner’s Code
Any team member using language that is obscene, foul, vulgar, insulting, threatening, abusive, libelous, slanderous, defamatory or otherwise offensive or objectionable; or promote or incite hatred or discriminatory conduct, in or near the match area, at any time.
Playing without a full roster of five players
Account Sharing: Summoners using the original roster’s summoner account with a different player playing
Collusion: Intentionally feeding/throwing the game for the purpose of the other team winning
Making use of any bugs, bots, etc.
Smurfing of any kind will be disqualified and banned from the discord server.
The adjudicator has discretion over any matters not listed above. Full uncropped game screenshots or stream footage must be provided to validate disqualification claims. If disqualified, a team forfeits its right to all prizes.
These rules are subject to change, if changes are made all team captains will be notified. If you believe a team is breaking any rule(s) please notify an admin as soon as possible.
Captains are responsible for reporting their team's score.

- Teams may register 5 starters and 2 substitutes to their rosters. Support staff such as coaches must be identified at the team's earliest convenience, no later than TBD.
- At this time, all champions released through the release of Rell will be eligible for competition. This rule is subject to change.
- Teams must identify a Point of Contact (POC) by TBD, to interact with tournament organization staff and other Team POCs. This individual may be a player or support staff member for the team.

- Teams may register 5 starters and 2 substitutes to their rosters. Support staff such as coaches must be identified at the team's earliest convenience, no later than TBD.
- Teams must identify a Point of Contact (POC) by TBD, to interact with tournament organization staff and other Team POCs. This individual may be a player or support staff member for the team.