B2 Warzone Duos

PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Por B2 Sports
 2 hours of play: any two-hour span you’d like, but must be completed by 12:00 Midnight EST, Nov. 29. Teams of 2, playing Duos public Warzone Matches.
 Each team (DUOS) must DM Aaron Barton (Facebook) when they are queuing into their first game, this will be considered your “check-in” time.
 Team members MUST submit their PSN, XBOX Gamertag, or Battlenet ID for score tracking. No more screenshots necessary.
 There will be a 20-minute allowance for any game that is started prior to your 2 hours being up, so that you can try to play out your final game. For example, if you check in at 2:00pm and start gaming, you can play until 4:20pm in order to complete your last game.
 Admins will tally all scores once all teams are finished. Top 3 teams will win, as well as the one player who gets the highest kill game. (Refer to the Format sheet for prize amounts)