Southern Peninsula Basketball Association ESPORT Tournament

PlayStation 4
Por General manager
Shark Tank
- Only Eligible to players and families who are part of the SPBA including its representative teams and domestic clubs.
- If u18 you must get the parents permission to compete.
- BULLY FREE ZONE! You are bound by the same rules as the SPBA code of conduct. Any misbehavior will result in automatic disqualification and suspension from any subsequent Tournaments.
- For every fixture, both competitors are required to add each other using their respective Xbox Gamertags or PSN,. The two players must then communicate to arrange an exact match time. Players must ensure their console privacy settings are set to public, so their opponent is able to find them when searching for their Gamertag/PSN ID.
- Each round has a window of three days to complete the scheduled fixture and each fixture must be completed by the deadline; 11:59pm on the third day
- The player listed as the ‘home’ team on the fixture is responsible for setting up the match. Both players are required to check in five minutes before the scheduled match time. At the end of every match, the winning player enters the result.
- Any disputes will be handled by the General Manager and their decision is final. If games are not able to be completed or the dispute is unabled to be resolved the team that will progress will be decided by a toss of a coin.
- Registrations are open until the 18th of July at 12 pm.
- The first round of matches will need to be finished by 11.59 pm on the 21st of July
-The second round of matches will need to be finished by 11.59 pm on the 24th of July
- The semi final round matches will need to be finished by 11.59 pm on the 27th of July
- The Grand Final match will need to be finished by 11.59 pm on the 30th of July