Inkfected & Bloom - Pair Purge

Por Knightmare Phantom
Only one replay per set per team.
Can only replay if due to DC before half time.

Beakon Defence:
- Play in TC
- Beakon players must place 3 beakons each between the starting point of the tower and their finishing point of the tower within the first minute, preferably as quickly as possible. Once the first
minute is over no more beakons should be placed.

- The other player should play TC as usual from the start.

- No beakons should be destroyed within the first minute.
- If a beakon is destroyed by jumping to it after the first minute you are not allowed to replace it.

- The winner is decided by which team has the most beakons left still standing by the end of the game, with a tie breaker of who pushed the tower the furthest.

- Overtime can be abused to take out more beakons.

- I recommend for someone on each team to take a picture of the map 1 minute in as this is point at which all beakons should be placed and none destroyed. This way if there are any extra beakons placed after this point another picture can be taken and evidence can be shown.

- If the match rules are disobeyed then the team which did not follow the rules immediately forfeit the match, no replays.

- If a team fails to provide sufficient evidence of the other team's inconsistency with the rules then the match will not be forfeited and no penalty will be given. The matches will continue and no replay will occur, using the reported score as the result.

Death Match:
- Play in TC
- To win this mode you must have the highest number of K/As by the end of the match.
- Simply add the 2 numbers of kills for each team and that is the score.
- The team with the highest score wins.

- In the event the scores are equal then the TC score is the tie breaker.

- This means that you can work together to make each kill worth 2 points by getting assists, as each kill scores a point and each assist also scores 1 point.