Insomnia65 GwyF (LAN Only)

Insomnia 65 Golf with your Friends - Sunday (LAN ONLY)

Por Insomnia65
Online, Insomnia65
Game Settings
Server/Host Settings

Server: European

Game Mode: Private Match

Size: 12 Player Lobby (all versus each other) - one player in each lobby will be an admin who is hosting the match and not competing.

Format: There will be two initial lobbies of 12 players max and then (depending on sign-ups) the top 5 players from each lobby will continue to the final which will be a best of 3 (lowest overall score wins). The remaining players from each lobby will be placed in a separate fun lobby to compete to The participant with the lowest score in the prize lobby will be declared the winner of the tournament.

Initial rounds will be a best of 1, the finals will be a best of 3.

Game Setup

General game rules will be as true to golf as it can be.

Lobby will be created by a tournament admin and run privately (with a password to ensure only participants can enter).

Teams will be consisting of 1 player.

Teaming up with other players is not allowed.

Max Shots per round: 12

Max time per round: 1:30

Collision Mode: ON

Show last power: ON

Retry shot mode: OFF

Ball shape: Default

Low gravity: Normal

Spawn Position: Single

Bouncy ground: Low

Allow jumping: No

Goal type: Golf

Ball size: Default

Maps: Custom (to be chosen by the admin)

Freecam: OFF

The first lobbies will be starting at 3pm BST Sunday 25th August 2019 with both placement lobbies running side by side (if any participants are late there will be a 15-minute delay) with the final lobbies to be played once all participants are ready.

The game lobbies will be hosted by members of tournament staff.