Female Legends 3v3 Tournament - Dreamhack Summer 2019

Por Female Legends
Dreamhack Summer 2019
För att kunna delta måste du uppfylla dessa krav:
1. Ha en BYOC-plats på Dreamhack Summer 2019.
2. Identifiera dig som kvinna eller icke-binär
3. Ha egen dator

1. Turneringen är i formatet Double Elimination. Med detta menas att för att åka ut så kommer en behöva förlora två ronder. Double elimination är två brackets: winner och loser bracket.
2. Matcherna spelas som bäst av en (Bo1). Man kör alltså en match och vinnaren av matchen är vinnaren av ronden.
3. Alla lag börjar i winners bracket. Vid förlust åker en ner till losers bracket.
4. Vid vinst avancerar laget till nästa rond.
5. Detta pågår till finalen.
6. I finalen har vi en best av tre (Bo3). Försten till två vinster vinner ronden, och är därmed vinnaren av turneringen.
7. Vinst rapporteras till FL-admins via Discord.
8. All form av förnedring mot sin motståndare kommer resultera i diskvalificering.
9. Turneringen följer Code of Conduct. Bryter deltagarna mot koden så kommer deltagaren att bli diskvalificerad.
10. Vi använder oss av Female Legends Discord för all rapportering och kommunikation under turneringen. Länken hittar ni här : https://discord.gg/Sat9z8H
För att bli verifierad, kontakta en Discord-admin eller meddela FL-admins på plats i montern.

Vi följer Powerleague Gamings regler om Overwatch 3v3. Nedan följer utklipp ur deras regler:
Rule set: Competitive
High bandwidth: On
Game mode:
Start of the tournament – semifinals: Best of One
Finals: Best of Three
Map rotation: Single map
Return to lobby: After a game
The admins will pick maps for each round of the tournament. Map-pool: King’s Row, Numbani, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Dorado, Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya, Nepal, Lijiang Tower, Hollywood, Ilios, Route 66, Eichenwalde & Oasis
Hero selection limit: 1 per team
All heroes are currently allowed, if they have been in the game for more than 2 weeks.
Disable kill cam: On
In case of a tie on Assault, Hybrid or Escort a preset Best of One Control map is to be played. The team that captures the first objective fully, on the first point of the control map will win the tied map.

Gameplay Options
High bandwidth: On
Control game mode format: Best of 5
Health modifier: 100%
Damage modifier: 100%
Healing modifier: 100%
Ultimate charge rate modifier: 100%
Respawn time modifier: 100%
Ability cooldown modifier: 100%
Disable skins: Off
Disable health bars: Off
Disable kill cam: On
Disable kill feed: Off
Headshots only: Off

Team Options
Team balancing: Off
When balancing occurs: After a mirror match

Breach of Rules
Foul language, offensive and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated from any player and will result in the following:
First Warning that the team captain has to acknowledge.
Second Warning will lead to forfeiting the game.
Third Warning will lead to disqualification from the tournament.

In PLG matches it is forbidden to use the pause without an obvious reason, such as player disconnects. Custom game host/moderator have to pause the game immediately when a team request it in chat.
Team that requested pause need to announce the reason before or immediately after pause.
Each team is granted a total of 10 minutes pause time during the match.
When resuming the game from pause, both teams need to confirm in chat that they are ready to continue.
If total pause time of 10 minutes runs out, the game has to be resumed, no matter if the issue got fixed or not. If one team refuses to resume the game, the oppose team will receive a default win.
Admins hold the right to request teams to pause during the match in case of any other issues, and the time used to pause the match will not count for the team it was requested to.

In the case that a player(s) disconnects, the team is allowed to continue to play the match at a disadvantage.
Disconnects and lag issues will only qualify for a re-host if the issue occurs the within the first 60 seconds of the game.