Por EGAMES UMK , Persatuan Esport Kelantan , kelantan ICT Gateway and YMM
I.Player Requirements:

1.1 Players MUST bring their own mobile device. Organizer does not prepare a demo or usable mobile device for player.

1.2 Players are not allowed to join more than 1 team.

1.3 The act of registering for this tournament implies full
acceptance of all terms, conditions, rules and regulations stated, in its entirety.

II. Team Requirement

2.1 Each team must have FIVE (5) players and optional to have TWO (2) backup player.

2.2 Team ownership is determined by the leader/captain appointed by the team during registration.

2.3 Teams are prohibited to replace any of the registered players including the reserved player) throughout the event.

2.5 By registering, Teams acknowledge that all usage of photos, videos, and any form of recording during the tournament have been given legal consent by the players for media and marketing purposes.

Organizer officials have the ability to deny a team name if it does not reflect the professional standards sought by the organised and the team will be required to change their name.

3.0 Gambling Websites: defined as any website that aids or abets the wagering of funds on a sport/e-sport event and/or allows for the wagering of funds in casino games including poker.

3.1 Non-“over-the-counter” drugs

3.2 Account sharing/skin selling websites

3.3 Firearms, handguns, or ammunition providers

3.4 Websites displaying or related to pornographic imagery or products

3.5 Products or services from direct competitors

3.6 Tobacco products

Vi. Tournament Schedules and Rules

4.0 Tournament schedule will be available onsite

4.1 Matches will proceed as indicated in the Bracket Schedule unless live streamed which is coordinated by Marshal. Matches that are scheduled to be livestreamed and casted cannot start without the instructions of the Marshal. Otherwise, points will not be counted.

4.2 Teams are expected to be in the game stage and in-game lobby at the designated time. There is a maximum 10-minute waiting period.

4.3 If one team is not ready at the designated time, their opponent is awarded a default win by contacting an admin (after the 10-minute waiting period) and having him check the lobby.

4.4 Teams may not remake matches.

4.5 All results must be reported to the respective admins right after the match. The winning Team's captain is required to submit results to the admin. Any disputes regardless match scores should be reported immediately to the admin 10 minutes after the disputed score has been submitted.

V. General Conduct

5.0 Players will conduct themselves with sportsmanship and in a reasonable manner, maintaining a friendly and polite demeanor to spectators, competitors, members of the press, tournament staff, and to other participants of the event.

5.1 Players will refrain from the use of vulgar language during the entire competition. All rules of conduct also apply to chatting through the game console.

5.2 Players are expected to compete in a professional manner. Throwing a match, halting play without cause, or showing a flagrant lack of effort will be construed as a violation of player conduct, and will result in match penalties, forfeit and disqualification from the tournament.

5.3 The organizer has the right to apply penalties, disqualify and dismiss any registered player from the tournament, at their discretion, at any stage of the tournament, for any reason, with no prior warning to the players. *Cheating doesn't need to be successful to qualify as a violation. Conspiring to cheat is already a violation and will lead to an automatic disqualification for all conspirators. Examples of cheating include, but aren't limited to:

Account Sharing


6.0 The application used is Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (Developer: Moonton)

6.1 The game mode used is Custom Game: Draft Mode.

6.2 The first team to destroy the opposing team’s Base wins the match and proceed to the next round.

6.3 If any player disconnects during a match, the game continues. The disconnected players are required to reconnect as soon as possible.

6.4 In the case of a server crash, the game can be continued from newly draft.

6.5 Team on the upper bracket will create a lobby/game.

VII. Penalties

7.1 Upon discovery of any Team Member committing any violations of the rules listed above, the officials may, without limitation of its authority under Section 5.3, issue the following :

dismiss any registered player

VIII. Admin Rights

8.0 Admin may over rule all rules based on the situation. Admin decision is final after the appeal process.

Organizer holds the rights to change rules as it deems fit.