PlayStation 4
Por Ghana Esports
Grab & Go Foods | Abeka Junction next to Peace FM

Game Tactics: Custom tactics allowed

Formations: No custom formations

Injuries: on

Bookings: On

Referee: Random

Camera Settings: Tele Broadcast

Time of the Day: Night - 8 PM

Home Team: Coin toss will decide.

Half Length: 6 minutes

Handball: Off

Time/Score display: On

HUD: Player Name Bar and Indicator On

Weather: Clear

Live Form – On Team selection page, Live form set to “Off”

Season: Summer

Audio: Music Off

Audio: Commentary ON

FIFA Trainer: Off

Difficulty: Legendary

Player Attributes: 85 Overall

Game speed: Normal

Offside: On

Camera: Tele Broadcast

Radar: 2D

Pitch Pattern: Default

Pitch Wear: None

Stadium: Neutral

Extra Time: In the event of a draw at the end of regulation time, players should use the “Classic” mode for overtime, this mode includes 2 (15) minute extra time periods and Penalty Kicks if the match is still tied.

Tournament Rules:
1. You can choose your preferred controls; Manual, Semi or Assisted.

2. Tactical defending mode only.

3. Controllers are supplied by organizers/Players. It is the responsibility of all Players to be familiar with the controller’s functions and mode of operation.

4. If a controller is defective, a Player can pause the game and notify the referee once only, if the player agrees the problem is fixed he may not pause again.

5. The referee will determine the controller status in making such a decision. If a Player plays with a defective controller, all results are nevertheless valid.

6. You should bring your own controllers. No memory cards or saved games are permitted.

7. You cannot select any fictional or All-Star teams. Any regular season teams, as installed with the original game, can be selected. Both Players can select the same team.

8. Selecting Preset formations (4-3-3 or 4-4-2 etc) are allowed before the match starts.

9. Custom Formations and editing player position within a formation is not allowed.

10. Selecting Tactics are allowed before the match starts.

11. Once the match has started, players can only pause the game to change strategy, tactics and/or formation when i) a player of his team is sent off ii) a player of his team is injured” (if injuries are allowed).

12. Set pieces are available. Man Marking is allowed.

13. No forward pass at kick-off, you must back pass the ball.

14. General Rules:
15. All competitors are required to stay within the tournament area or inform the organizers in the event of stepping out.

16. All players are required to show up at least half an hour before the tournament and report to the organizer's control table to collect their ENTRY AND GROUP NUMBERS.

17. Players not present at the designated start time for any match will be disqualified, and their opponent shall be granted a 2-0 score. Players are encouraged to be in the designated play area 15-minutes prior to game time.

18. Players will be shown their designated station, shall set up the game and immediately begin play. Each Player will have 2 minutes to configure controls, line-ups, and settings in accordance with the rules described above under Match Settings and Tournament Rules. Custom packages cannot be used, nor can anything else that is not available in the in-game pause menu.

19. Players shall be responsible for keeping track of game situation so if a game is interrupted, the situation can be restored. In all situations possible, tournament referees will monitor the game situation so that it may be restored in the event of game interruptions.

20. Players shall raise their hands at the end of the game so a referee can record their score. Only scores reported to the referee are official.

21. No replays or game interruptions, except for designated pauses to report scores (if any), will be allowed.

22. No coaching allowed (for example, people in the audience may not advise a Player while playing).

23. Players are prohibited from wearing their own headsets and may not listen to any music during FIFA 18 Tournaments.

24. In case of any kind of unfortunate event or disconnection, disc error or electricity failure, the score will remain the same regardless of the game played but the half in which the problem occurred will be played again.

25. You CANNOT pause game unless the game is stopped i.e. If it’s a throw-in or ball is in your own keeper’s possession. If you pause the game intentionally, you may be warned or disqualified at the referee’s discretion. A second warning will disqualify you automatically. You have 40 seconds after the pause.

26. Any participant deliberately attempting to sabotage or damage equipment to restart matches will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

27. Any persons who attempt to disrupt matches with verbal or physical abuse to referee/admin or competitors will be disqualified from the tournament and may be removed from the venue.

28. Refusal to play a match or committing any disruptive behavior that can delay the tournament will result in forfeit of the match regardless of contestant tournament standings.

29. Players must conduct themselves in a reasonable manner, maintaining a friendly and polite demeanor to spectators, members of the press, tournament or league officials, and to other Players.

30. Players will refrain from using vulgar or offensive language.

31. Abusive behavior, including harassment and threats, is prohibited.

32. Physical abuse, fighting or any threatening action or threatening language, directed at any Player, spectator, official or any other person is prohibited.

33. Abuse to game stations, controllers or any tournament equipment is prohibited.

34. Any action that interferes with the play of a game, including but not limited to purposely breaking a game station, interfering with power, and abuse of in-game pausing, is prohibited.

35. Gambling, including betting on the outcome of games, is prohibited.

36. Referees will be on site to monitor all gameplay. Referees will begin play and will record scores for each game. Referees will be identified by a special ID tag.

In case of any other dispute, referee/admin’s decision will be final

38. The tournament rules may be subject to change at short notice on the spot.