Stratego Quick Arena Cup 2019

Por Napoleon 2ème
Online, Switzerland
Quick Arena Tournament 2019 - Rules

1) It is asked to every participant to be respectful to the opponents, insults in the chat are not allowed and the player will get a loss automatically .

2) Videos and photos from the game are welcome, but the opponent must agree with it and it must be shown in the video / photo .

3) It is asked to the participants to be able to talk in English and to be active (inactive players will get a warning the first time and the second time, they will be disqualified).

4) You will have to play 1 game every week, it is asked to be available at least once every Week. At the beginning of every game serie, you will get a PM by the organisor which where you will have to agree with your opponent on a day and a time given in GMT time.

5) It is not allowed to communicate the opponent' s setup during the tournament to any players.

6) The most important is to enjoy the game and have fun, if this is what you want, you MUST register !