
Jogadores no confronto


Full Discord ID and Steam Profile Page URL [if using a Steam account]: Lazur#1856
Deck 1 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Mordar: Daggerfall, XiaoLong, DroneWalker, DroneWalker, DroneWalker, Priestess, StunLancers, DefensoChopper, BlueGolem, Colossus
Deck 2 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): ArcaneMage: ManaPuff, BridgeBuddies, ShockRock, GatlingBike, GraspingThorns, Re-boomer, Daggerfall, StunBlast, ClearSkies, DefensoChopper
Deck 3 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): KingPuff: Daggerfall, GorRakkSacrifice, RageThrowers, ShieldedCrossbowDudes, PropellerHorde, DroneBuzzers, DroneBuzzers, DefensoChopper, SoulStealer, EmpoweredSoulStealer
Deck 4 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Settsu: ScratPack, IllusoryCleaver, ScreamingScrat, CannibalSwarmers, ShockRock, GatlingBike, GraspingThorns, Hypnotize, DefensoChopper, HowlingMoon


Full Discord ID and Steam Profile Page URL [if using a Steam account]: Discord : Renzocolonna Steam:
Deck 1 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Settsu: Scrat pack, Shockrock, Plasma Marines, Tantrum Throwers, Tantrum Throwers, Xiao long, Proppelor horde, Propellor horde, Rabid Prowler, Empowered Soulstealer
Deck 2 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): King Puff: Scrat pack, Assassain, Fireball, Flightless dragons, Fire Imp, Mogrul the swarmer king, Proppelor horde, Spear throwers, Whirly Scrat, Blastmancer
Deck 3 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Ravager: Scrat pack, Dragon Whelp, Plasma Marines, Xiao Long, Assassain, Mogrul the swarmer king, Musketeer, Whirly Scrat, Infiltration, Sharsrakk Twins
Deck 4 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here): Settsu: Scrat pack, Shockrock, Swarmers, Cursebearer, Daggerfall, Plasma Marines, Tantrum Throwers, Xiao Long, Divine Warrior, Empowered Soulstealer.