2v2 Fortnite Tournament

2v2 Fortnite Tournament by Fortnite Fabulous (YouTube)

PC, PlayStation 4
For this 2v2 tournament all 4 players will join a party and queue for a squad game. One game will be played on each of the opposing team's servers.

Win Condition: The winning team will be determined by the team with the largest number of total kills after 2 games. In the event of a tie after 2 games.....1 more games will be played to break the tie if both teams are on the same server. If both teams are on different servers, 2 games will be played to break the tie.

Proof: MAKE SURE at least one player submits a screenshot of each match after it has happened in the Discord chat labeled 'tourney-screenshots'. Also include the team name and team members so it is easier for us. If no screenshots are provided the game will be replayed, unless all 4 players can confirm the same score.

Griefing is not allowed under any circumstances. Proof is needed to remove the offending team from the match, which is why it is a good idea to either stream or just record your match. Griefing includes sabotaging structures, causing fall damage, or any other negative interference in your opponents game play.

Subbing will not be permitted. If a team member can't finish the tournament then you can 1v2, but you will not be able to ask anybody to step in to replace the no-show team member.

If you do not check-in on time, you will not be allowed to play. Brackets will come out during check-in.

Let me know if you have any questions! You can PM me on Discord or email me.