"Mid-Week $1K" FORTNITE Duos Tournament

PC, Xbox One
Por IS eSports
Online, NA
How To Start Your Match:
*Join a Squad Lobby with opposing team players*

First you and your teammate must join a SQUAD Lobby with your opponents and play two games. You and your teammate must keep track of kills for each game played. The team with the most combined kills after two games will win the match and advance to the next round. (Tie-Breaker rules below)

Streaming Rules:
*120 second delay*

At least one team member MUST be streaming through Twitch, YouTube, or Mixer to avoid immidiate disqualification. When streaming you MUST have your stream delay set to 120 seconds on your OBS settings. Failing to do so will result in a complete forfeit for that round. Competing teams must report stream delay issues for possible disqualifications previous matches will not be replayed if final results were not disputed on a timely manner. If a team is disqualified due to stream delay issues the player/s may restart his or her stream with the delay correctly set and continue to compete in the losers bracket if disqualification took place in winners bracket.

Server Rules:

*One game played on each east or west server at players preference. Both games may be played on the same server if agreed to by both teams.
*Games may be replayed if the wrong server is picked for the game and at least 50 total players are still alive at time of realization.

Tiebreaker Rules:

If out of the two games played the combined kills are tied an additional match will be played to determine the winner. In the case that the third match results in a tie, repeat.

Sabotage Rules:
**Sabotage Not Allowed**

* Be sure to play all games to completion regardless of sabotage that may or may not have occurred. The final decision on sabotage penalty (i.e. disqualification, kill penalty, game replay) will only be made by admin after taking players input and evidence into account.
*If both teams agree that sabotage was accidental and did not cause a change to the end result of that game, that instance of sabotage shall be ignored.

*Examples of sabotage include but are not limited to*

• MAY NOT destroy any bases made by their opponent, make them fall, or any other actions that may help lead to that player’s death.
• Shooting or causing damage to the other teams’ build or non-built structures being used for movement or cover by that player. (Another players build may be destroyed if that player is no longer using that build for movement or cover.)
• Causing opponents to miss shots or miss opportunities for advancing their scores in any way shape or form. (You may shoot down you or your opponent’s launch pad or bouncer after one use by player who placed it)
• Building in front of your opponent with the purpose of slowing that players’ advancement. (A player may not purposely play behind his or her opponent with the purpose of “baiting” that player into sabotage)

Other Match Issues:
*Forfeits, DQs, ect.*

* No-shows in this tournament will be considered a forfeit if he or she fails to respond within a fair given time.
The team that is ready to play must report all forfeits as a "no-show" when reporting match result.
* If one of the two players in a team is a no-show the player that has shown up, will have the opportunity to compete as a solo but the match must start as soon as "full-show" team is ready. If that player’s teammate shows up after it has been determined he or she was a no-show for that round he or she may not participate in that round of the bracket, but may participate in future rounds.
* All reported no-shows/forfeits will be declared as a loss of that round with no opportunity for a replay.