PoG League

Tournament Rules

1-) Team registration :

All team most provide their registration before the 12 of July 2018 , including the Extra information following bellow :
1- Team name
2 - Team Member game ID / Roles
3 - Rank of the player

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Tournament site for registration. Note that the registration Time zone are in Est NA even if the tournament will
be in EuW server.

2-) Rule’s :
not respecting these rules could have consequence such has disqualification.

1-) Toxicity and provocation are forbidden , keep it sport like and respect everyone

2-) Cheating result of Disqualification.

3-) if a team don’t attend in the 30 min delay , they are disqualified.

3-) How it will work ?

After the registration date , 13 of july , every team will receive their Tournament Code to join
the tournament Lobby. Then they will be abble to play their game.

The Bracket are pretty simple , its a elimination Bracket with game in best of 3 , with the tournament Draft format. you play 3 game , the winner go to the next stage and looser are