Battle of the Beast

BeyondReturnGaming Presents: Battle of The Beast

1. No participant may be on more than one team during the duration of the tournament.
2. Each team may choose a map that they DO NOT want to play.
3. Each team will be allowed one re-host per match if necessary. In the event of a re-host, the game will be restarted with a score of 0:0, BUT there will be a score keeper keeping track of the score and you will only play enough rounds to finish out the game.
4. A re-host is only to take place in the event of a disconnection during the preparation phase.
5. Matches will not be rescheduled because of technical issues or to substitute a player. If a team can't play with the number of players they registered with it will result in a forfeit.
6. Teams ARE allowed to utilize party chat during the tournament.
7. Abusive language towards other players within the tournament and/or volunteer staff will not be tolerated and will result in immediate disqualification.
8. If any glitches are used in a match the team will automatically be disqualified from the tournament.
9. If a game should tie, it must be replayed.
10. The usage of all console keyboard adapters is strictly prohibited and will result in a disqualification.
11. If a contestant chooses to forfeit a match, they will forfeit any prizes and if possible will be replaced by their opponent from the previous round.
12. All operators are allowed to be used during the match, but there may only be one shield at a time (Blitz, Montagne, Blackbeard, Recruit with shield).
13. All matches will be played completely unless a team forfeits before the starting of the match.