LanTrek'18 S. Smash Bros. WIIU

LanTrek 2018 Super Smash Bros. WIIU

Por LanTrek Ry
Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskus, TESC
Smash for Wii U Ruleset 2017

Author's note: This is a variation upon the current ‘global recommended ruleset’ from the American Smash 4 Backroom, for the purpose of uniting the European Smash 4 community. This ruleset will be used by all European major tournaments.

1. Tournament Rules

Set Length

All tournament sets will be a best-of-3 games, until a top cut where games are extended to best-of-5 games. We recommend majors aim for at least top 32 best-of-5, however if this is not possible then top 16 best-of-5 at the very least is sufficient.

Set Procedure

Players select their characters. Either player may elect to do Double Blind Character Selection (see section 1.4)
Use Starter Stage Striking (see section 1.5) to determine the first stage
The players play the first game of the set
Winning player of the preceding game bans a stage.
The losing player of the preceding game picks a stage for the next game
The winning player of the preceding game may choose to change characters.
The losing player of the preceding game may choose to change characters.
The next game is played.
Repeat Steps 4 through 8 for all subsequent games until the set is complete.

Stage Agreement Clause

Players may select any LEGAL stage if they both agree on it. Players may not play on illegal stages or change the length of a set.

Double Blind Character Selection

Either player may request that a double blind selection occur. In this situation, a referee or third party will be told, in secret, of each player’s character choices for the first round. Both players are to then select their first round character, with the referee validating the character selections.

Stage Striking

Players play a best-of-1 Rock-Paper-Scissors, and winner may choose who strikes the first stage. Stages are stuck in a P1-P2-P2-P1 order.


Pause setting should be off. If it isn’t, pausing is only legal while either player remains upon their OWN respawn platform, and only for the purpose of summoning a tournament official or in the case of a controller malfunction. All other pauses will incur a stock loss to the player who pauses the game. If the pause causes the opponent to lose a stock, the player who pauses forfeits the game. Players may request pause left on in case of emergency, but above ruling still applies.


Stalling, or intentionally making the game unplayable, is banned and at the discretion of tournament staff. Stalling includes but is not limited to becoming permanently invisible, continuing infinites past 300%, and reaching a position that your opponent can never reach you. Stalling will result in a forfeit of the game for the player that initiated the action.

Sudden Death

If a game goes to Sudden Death, the winner is determined by stocks and percentage at the time the game ends. When the timer expires the player with the higher stock count is the winner. If both players are tied in stocks the player with the lower percentage is the winner. In the event of a percentage tie, or a game in which both players lose their last stock simultaneously, a 1 stock tiebreaker will be played with a 3 minute time limit, this tiebreaker ruling also includes self-destruct moves that don’t force a winner. The results of the in-game 300% Sudden Death do not count. If Sudden Death occurs in a tiebreaker game, this process is repeated once more. If it happens again, the Sudden Death is played out and used to decide the game.

Stock Sharing

Taking a partner’s stock is allowed in doubles.

“Grab and Go” Clause

In doubles, players may not switch the character they are controlling with their partner. Doing this via both controller switching or the soft reset method will both warrant in complete disqualification for both parties.

Missing Teammate Clause

If a player’s teammate is not present for a game, the match may not continue until their teammate arrives. They may not play a 2v1 or play with a CPU.


You will be immediately disqualified from the tournament with no refunds if you are found using an alternate tag/tags and/or hide your identity to manipulate the bracket/seeding. The only exception to this rule is if the player notifies a TO prior to the tournament.

Character Color/Team Color Selection

If there is a dispute in character colors or team colors (i.e. both players want to use green fox), the players will play one RPS game to determine who gets the color.

Controller Interference

If your controller is found to be the cause of disruption to the tournament (mid-game or otherwise), you are subject to complete disqualification from the event.


For ease of access, Tournament Staff recommends the use of the Nintendo Gamecube controller, however, The Wii U Pro controller (Battery removed), Wii Remote, Wii Remote + Nunchuck, Wii Remote + Classic Controller, and the Nintendo 3DS Family in controller mode are all permitted control options.

Team Colour Clause

When in Doubles play, players must choose character costumes that are similar to their team color. In the cases of characters with very monochromatic colour schemes, they should aim to be on the team colour closest matching their character (e.g: Sonic on blue team). If there is a Cloud on each team, one team must use FF7 Cloud, and the other AC Cloud. If a player is colourblind and cannot tell the difference between teams they may request a colour change to better accommodate them. This request must be made before the game starts.


Warm-up periods, button checks, and “handwarmers” may not exceed 30 seconds. Violation of this rule may result in an automatic forfeit at the TO’s discretion


Each Player is designated 20 seconds for each step of the counterpicking phase (Stage bans, Stage select & character selection). If either player exceed this time frame, a judge should be notified to monitor the situation


Coaching during sets is disallowed from all tournaments, and any violations to this rule can result in a disqualification. Coaching in this sense includes in-person help, phone call communication, and mobile messaging applications. If a player wishes to use their phone for music or notes, it is recommended that they switch their phone to flight mode. A player a allowed to signal for a referee if they believe a player may be receiving coaching. This rule does not apply to the time between a grand finals bracket reset.


Anyone who is not present for their set by 15 minutes past the scheduled start time is subject to a total disqualification from the event.


Players suspected of colluding may be immediately disqualified from the tournament. This includes intentionally throwing a game, splitting a payout, or committing any other form of bracket manipulation. The TO reserves the right to deny payout of event winnings to any player suspected of colluding.

Misinterpretation/Misconfiguration (Settings Check)

Games or sets are not to be replayed due to a misinterpretation of the rules OR misconfiguration of game settings. Game settings should be configured according to the Game Rules (See Section 2.1). It is the player's responsibility to ask the TO for any clarification of the rule set in the event of a disagreement, and the outcome of a game or set will not be changed after the fact unless under extreme circumstances, judgment reserved for tournament staff.

Final Rulings

If any unforeseen situations occur, judgment of Tournament Staff is final. Rules may be altered or overturned in the best interests of the event at the TO’s discretion.

2. Game Rules
Game Settings

Stock and time are set to 2 stock and 6 minutes for Singles
Stock and time are set to 3 stock and 8 minutes for Doubles
Handicap: Off
Team Attack: On
Damage Ratio: 1.0x
Items: Off and None
Pause: Off
Customs: Off
All DLC characters are legal
Mii Fighters: xxxx, guest size (see section 2.3.4)

Stage List

Starter Stages
Final Destination/Omega Skyworld*
Lylat Cruise
Town & City

Counterpick Stages
Dream Land 64
Omega Stages*

* Treated as Final Destination in striking phase. If Final Destination is struck, Omega Stages are struck and vice versa. You may only choose the following Omega Stages: Skyworld, Palutena’s Temple, Coliseum and Wily Castle.
Additional Rules

Starter Stage Striking

After choosing who strikes first (See Section 1.5). Players may strike from the legal starter stages (each person strikes stages in a 1-2-1 format) to determine the starting stage for the first game.

Counterpick Stage Striking

After each game of the set, before counterpicking, the player who won the previous game may strike one stage from either the starter or counterpick list. This strike does not persist throughout the set and may be changed again later in the set in the case of a best of 5 set.

Stage Clause

A player may not select the last stage they won on during that set. (Rule 1.3 may disregard this)

Mii Fighters

Mii Fighters may use their complete set of custom moves. However, they can only use the guest-sized miis that are on every WiiU by default, A player suspected of using an altered size mii is subject to disqualification. Any mii used must be labelled to correct display their moves and type, in the form of <Neutral Special> <Side Special> <Up Special> <Down Special> <Mii type> (e.g: 2132B represents a Brawler with the 2nd neutral special, 1st side special, 3rd up special and 2nd down special). Players may not change the moves of their mii during a set, but may change before a set begins.