Plex Stats Tournament Finals

Plex Stats Tournament

Urządzenie mobilne
Organizator: Plexchat & StatsRoyale
Plex|Stats Tournament Format & Rules

Account Rules

Players are only allowed to enter the Plex Stats tournament using a single account, and must use only that account throughout the duration of tournament gameplay. Sharing accounts during the tournament is strictly forbidden. The player who registers for the Plex Stats tournament must remain the sole controller of their account throughout all tournament gameplay. Players may not be assisted by any other party during their matches. Sharing accounts during the tournament is strictly forbidden. Collusion is strictly forbidden. Players may not be coached in any way while tournament gameplay is in progress. Competitors are not allowed to receive any outside messages related to tournament gameplay from another party while they are playing. Players may not spectate their matches from another device during any of their scheduled tournament matches.

Minimum Age Requirements

Players must be at least 13 years old as of November 2, 2017 in order to compete in the Plex Stats tournament. If you are younger than 18 you must have permission from your parent or legal guardian to participate.


At the conclusion of Plex Stats, players are rewarded based on their performance throughout the event. Prizing is as follows:

Finals prizes
First Place - $250, 20,000 gems, Supercell merch, Plex Stats Tournament Shirt
Second Place - $100, 10,000 gems, Supercell merch, Plex Stats Tournament Shirt
Third Place - 10,000 gems, Supercell merch, Plex Stats Tournament Shirt
Open Tournament Stage 96 winners - $5 gift cards
Submit your replay - $10 gift cards will be awarded through a daily raffle throughout the duration of the tournament Best replay of the tournament - $100 split between the replay participants


November 3-10: Qualifiers*

Eligible players may compete in twice daily 1000 person tournaments hosted within Clash Royale. Access to these tournaments will be made available via password distributed on Stats Royale at 8am PST / 11am ET and Plexchat at 4pm PST / 7pm ET each day. The top 6 winners from each tournament are invited to the playoffs. In the event there is a duplicate winner from a prior tournament the person in the next place will be awarded a spot in the playoffs.

November 12: Playoffs

The 96 winners from the qualifiers will be distributed into two clans of 50. These clans will host a tournament at 9am PST / 12pm ET. The top 8 from each of these tournaments will be invited to the bracket tournament.

November 12: Bracket Tournament

The Bracket Tournament will begin at 12pm PST / 3pm ET with 16 players that will compete in a bracket tournament. In the round of 16, 8 and 4, each battle will consist of a series of best-of-three matches. In the final round, the battle will consist of a best-of-five matche.

Finals Bracket Best-of-three Format

In best-of-three this format, the two players battle one another in a series of three individual games. This best of three series is referred to as a “match.”

The player who ends each individual game by destroying the greatest amount of their enemy towers is awarded one “win.”

Game wins awarded are not influenced by the number of towers destroyed. For example, a winning player destroys 3 enemy towers and their opponent destroys 0 towers, the winning player will only receive 1 win towards their overall match score. In the event that an equal amount of enemy towers are destroyed (or no towers are destroyed), the game is considered a draw and no win is awarded to either player for that game.

The first player to win 2 games in the best-of-three series is declared the winner of the match. If after three games neither player receives 2 wins, or if the first two consecutive matches in a series are draws, a final game is immediately played with Tiebreaker Rules. The winner of the final game played with Tiebreaker Rules is declared winner of the match.

In the final round, best-of-five format will apply, which means that the winning team must win three games to win a match.

Tiebreaker Rules

When a game is played with Tiebreaker Rules, the player who destroys the greatest amount of their enemy towers is awarded the win. At the end of the game, in the event that an equal amount of enemy towers are destroyed (or no towers are destroyed), the player with the lowest health on any of the individual remaining towers will lose the match, and their opponent will be awarded the win. (Note: Only the status of the lowest-health individual tower is considered, not the cumulative health across all of a player’s towers.)

Technical Issues

Any technical issues will be reviewed by an admin on a case-by-case basis. If a technical issue is caused due to tournament infrastructure the game may be replayed.

Limitations of Liability

Participants agree (a) that Sponsor, tournament administrator and its parent entities, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, advertising and promotion agencies, any companies who are promotional participants or prize providers, and Web masters and Web suppliers, game owners and creators, and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents (collectively, “Tournament Entities”), will have no liability whatsoever for, and shall be held harmless by participants against any liability for any injuries, losses or damages of any kind to persons, including death, or property resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, misuse or use of any prize or participation in this Tournament or any Tournament related activity, or for any printing, production, technical, typographical, human or other error in the execution of the Tournament, offering or announcement of any prize. ​ Except where legally prohibited, winners grant (and agree to confirm that grant in writing) permission for Sponsor and those acting under its authority to use his/her name, photograph, voice and/or likeness, for advertising, trade and/or publicity purposes without or hereafter discovered, worldwide and on the Internet and/or World Wide Web, in perpetuity, without notice, review or approval. Potential winners may be required to complete, sign and return an Affidavit of Eligibility, a Liability Release and where lawful, a Publicity Release. If documents are not returned on a timely basis, or if the prize or prize notification is returned as non-deliverable, or if a potential winner is found to be ineligible or not in compliance with these Official Rules, such prize will be forfeited in its entirety and, at Sponsor’s discretion, awarded to an alternate winner (time permitting). ​ Taxes on the Prize are solely the Winner’s responsibility. ​ Sponsor, Tournament Administrator and the Tournament Entities are not responsible for illegible, lost, late, damaged, destroyed, inaccurate, delayed, incomplete, unintelligible, non-delivered, misdirected, stolen entries; or for incomplete, inaccurate, lost, interrupted or unavailable network, satellite, telephone networks or lines, cellular towers or equipment (including handsets), interruption of gameplay, game errors, computer on-line systems, computer equipment, software, viruses or bugs, servers or providers, or other connections, availability or accessibility; or for unauthorized access to, or alteration of entries; or miscommunications, failed computer, telephone, cellular, satellite, or cable transmissions, lines or other technical failure; or for jumbled, scrambled, delayed, or misdirected transmissions, computer hardware or software malfunctions, failures or difficulties; or for any other errors of any kind, whether human, technical, mechanical, electronic or network, including, without limitation, any errors which may occur in connection with the administration of the Tournament or in any Tournament-related materials; or for the incorrect or inaccurate capture of entry or other information, or the failure to capture any such information. Persons who tamper with or abuse any aspect of the Tournament, as solely determined by the Sponsor, will be disqualified (and all associated entries will be void), and Sponsor reserves the right to terminate such entrant’s eligibility to participate in this or any other Tournament offered by Sponsor. Should any portion of the Tournament be, in Sponsor’s sole opinion, compromised by virus, non-authorized human intervention or other causes which, in the sole opinion of the Sponsor, corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play, or submission of entries, Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to suspend or terminate the Tournament, and select winners from all non-suspect, eligible participants prior to action taken or as otherwise deemed fair and appropriate by Sponsor in their sole discretion. Without limiting the release provided above, and for greater certainty, the Tournament Entities will not be liable for (a) any incomplete or inaccurate information, whether caused by wireless device users or by any equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Tournament, or by any technical or human error which may occur in the processing of gameplay; (b) any problems with or technical malfunctions of the game, computer networks or lines, computer on-line systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, viruses or bugs.