Fight Zilla - F2P Release Tournament

Organizator: Bobzilla
- The New champion Thorn is officially banned, picking him will result in a disqualification for the concerned teams.
- No double picking allowed (comps like Jummong Jummong Poloma)
- Concerning the maps, each teams are going to ban 3 maps (1 per player)

- In order to determine who bans first :
For the QUALIFICATION STEP, since its a pool type of tournament, the "lowest team" in terms of order in his pool starts the first ban.
Than turn after turn, each players bans one map.

For the FINAL STEP, since its a bracket format, "Higher Seeded Team" Bans first then, the other teams bans the next map turn per turn.
(If any suggestions/ things your didn't understand ask me as always)

- Concerning the champion picks, it is going to be the exact methods than for the Maps Bans in terms of turns for announcing to the ennemy team which champions are going to be picked.
(I insist on the fact that if you don't understand a thing, don't hesitate contacting me for further informations)

QUALIFICATION STEP : 5th of November 8 pm CEST
- The Qualification will be BO1 format.
- Each teams are going to play against each one of his pools ( basically 3 games per team)
Winning your match, will grant you 1 point.
After every matchs in every pools are done, we will pick up the 8 teams with the most points according to there pool (the 2 teams with the most points inside their pool)
In case of Equality, The 2 (or more) equal teams will have to play a last match between them and we'll keep the winner for the FINAL STEP.(édité)
FINAL STEP : 10th of November 8pm CEST
As planned since the beginning of the tournament, its going to be a double elimination BO3 Tournament, with a looser bracket, which is going to be available right after the QUALIFICATION STEP.

Every rules about the BANS and the CHAMPIONS PICKS, are applied to both of the steps.

(More Precise Informations from PRL concerning the champions picks and how it should go if you are more common with those terms.)

Higher Seeded Team: Pick first (1st) champion
Lower Seeded Team: Pick first (1st) champion
Higher Seeded Team: Pick second (2nd) champion
Lower Seeded Team: Pick second (2nd) champion, then third (3rd) champion
Higher Seeded Team: Pick third (3rd) champ