Legion E-Sports COD4

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
• A Team must consist of at least FIVE players.
• For online tournaments, both teams scheduled to play at a certain time should be present online on TeamSpeak at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. For LAN tournaments, teams should be present at the venue well before an hour of their scheduled match time.

• Match Winner
The team to reach 13 rounds first wins the match.

• Game Mode Settings
Bomb Timer: 45 seconds
Defuse Time: 7 seconds
Plant Time: 5 seconds
Round Limit: 24 rounds, with half time and switching sides at 12
Time Limit: 1.45 minutes
Score Limit: First team to reach 13 will be defined map winner

• Banned Weapons, Attachments and Grenades
– All attachments are banned except for silencers.
– Note: for Special Grenades, the stun grenade is disabled. All perks are disabled.

• Classes
A team with five players can use a maximum of:
One (1) Sniper
One (1) Demolition
Two (2) SMG
Five (5) Assault
• Map Pool
The official map pool includes the following maps:
– mp_backlot
– mp_crash
– mp_crossfire
– mp_citystreet
– mp_strike


Spectators in the Match Server
No spectators of any kind will be allowed in the match server other than any designated Tournament Staff or authorised person (shout casters, streamers, etc) for that game.

– Match Server Passwords
Tournament servers may have passwords assigned. If this is the case, to connect to the servers, follow the IP with the password when connecting via the console. You can find out the password from the Tournament Staff.
Modifying Game Files
All programs or files, either changed game files or new files, that change the game or add to its functionality, or which interact with the game in any way, are strictly forbidden. Modified versions of the game’s resource files are always forbidden, regardless of what they do. The use of any forbidden program or file by any team member during a match, leads to a forfeit loss, and could lead to a removal and ban from tournament.

Use of Third-Party Software’s
The use of any third-party addons, hooks, programs or wrappers that interact with or alter the game, its appearance or behaviour for the purposes of gaining an unfair advantage is prohibited. Exceptions: Third party voice communication software such as (but not limited to) TeamSpeak are allowed.

Illegal Bindings
Illegal Binds are defined as
– Any binding of three or more keys.
– Binds that alter the map model, i.e.: no fog, no foliage, etc.
– Any binds pointed to any program or function that resides outside of the CoD4 directory, except for voice comms software.
– Any types of scripts proven to give a real advantage or are part of any ‘exec’ or ‘vstr’ bind (this does not include anything related to demos or demo players)
– Any script including ‘lookdown’
– Any script including ‘wait’
– Any bind including ‘attack’ cannot be combined with any other command
– Any bind including ‘frag’ cannot be combined with other commands/binds
– Any bind including ‘weapnext’ cannot be combined with any other command
– Binding ‘attack’ to MOUSE WHEEL UP/DOWN is prohibited

Permitted Bindings
Permitted Bindings include;-
– Changes to assigned stock single key game play binds.
– Binding of not more than two motion keys (Example: bind a +leanright;+moveright)
– If you have a non-stock binding that you’re unsure is legal, or have a binding that you would like to have approved for use in match play, submit the information to an admin for clarification and/or consideration.
– Namebinds
– Demoscripts
– Weapon/Menu/Select Scripts (includes all grenades)
– Volume binds/toggles