Valkyrie League 2.0

Organizator: Valkyrie, Valkyrie Valhalla, Valkyrie Ragnarok
Teams MUST be registered (including roster changes to already registered rosters)

Teams must have a minimum of 4 players per roster and a maximum of 6.

Teams DO NOT have to constitute an 'IN GAME' team, but must register under a team name with a logo for overlay (if no logo is submitted a stock logo and just team name will be used.)

Teams CANNOT swap players, players may play on only one team for the whole tournament, and players may not change player names, or use other accounts than the registered one in their games.

Teams must be online 10 minutes prior to their matches. The appointed spectator reserves the right to make a decision on any disagreement or infraction (ie: Roster change, late players) and award a game point/series or disqualify as he/she sees fit. This decision is final.

All games MUST be streamed, spectated and casted by one of the OFFICIAL tournament streamers. List provided on discord. Anyone streaming their own games will be permitted to do so but must use a 3 minute delay at least.

ONLY the three players on a team may be in a discord voice party during games, including draft phase. Any coaches/analysts can only intervene between games whilst back in party mode.
Any unsportsmanlike behavior/trolling or general toxicity will be dealt with severely, whether in game, chat, discord, or in stream chat TEAM CAPTAINS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR TEAMS BEING ONLINE IN TIME FOR GAMES! The schedule that will be given out is just a ROUGH estimate since we are doing best of 3 games if it is a tie(edited)
All games are draft. Please keep an eye on either stream or this discord to see if your team is getting called. Captains will be responsible for choosing final team from roster for games and swapping in subs.

Please be online and ready and get your team to add PinupGeisha and Kriess as they will be running the parties.

I can’t guarantee everything will go according to plan so please bear with us and roll with the punches we will try our best. We aim to do 6 series out of the first round the first evening the remaining 2 series and next 4 series on Sunday, Then the Semis and Finals next Saturday. All times are subject to change so please bear with us. All players were told to be available between 5-11PM CEST Sat/Sun 08/09th of July and the semis/ finals on Sat 15th so if u aren’t available when called it will be a forfeit