Get Cracked! 4v4 CTF #3

GetCracked! 4v4 Capture the Flag # 3

All players must join the Discord.

Each Team will be assigned a role in order to communicate easier with your matchup opponent.
Only Registered team members can play.

All Team Captains will post custom lobby keys in the #server-key-posthere channel on Discord and tag their opponent.

All Team Captains will post final results of the match in the #match-results-only channel on Discord.

Egg Models will need 4 UNIQUE and NOTICEABLE stickers per player. Teams cannot use the same sticker layouts. This is mandatory. Teams that do not follow this will be given a game loss as the first warning. The next infraction will result in a tournament forfeit.

Capture the Flag:
Team Size: 4
Roster Size: 5
Capture Limit: 8
Time Limit: 14min

Map Pool: Dojo, Cathedral, & Manzil.
High seed picks 1st map, low seed picks 2nd map. Remaining map will be the 3rd if needed. Map picking rules subject to change based on size of final map pool.

Teams will decide on which data center to choose for the match. If the teams cannot come to an agreement on the data center an admin will choose for them.

Winner's Bracket: BO3 Format
Grand Finals: BO3 Format [GF will reset if the team coming from Loser's Bracket wins the first BO3. A second BO3 will then be played.]

Teams are responsible for reaching out to each other on Discord to schedule their next match. If a team does not show up within 15 minutes of being tagged in Discord they will forfeit 1 game. At 20 minutes the team will forfeit the entire match.

If a player disconnects during a game please pause the match if possible. Any way possible the match needs to wait for the player to try and reconnect. After a 5-7min wait if not back, that team needs to use its sub. Or any admin will step in.
If the game crashes for all players then the lobby will be recreated and resumed when all players have rejoined. The game state will resume where it was at before the crash. [Ex: DBT crashes when the score is 3-2 with Red leading. Once the game resumes then Red team will need to win only 1 Round while Blue team will need to win 2 Rounds. This will be the only time a game will be completed without the Victory/Defeat screen.*]

No cheating will be tolerated during any of our events. If a player is caught cheating they will be banned from playing in any future events and their team will be disqualified from the tournament immediately.