KAG March Madness Ultimate Warrior DD tournament

Organizator: KAG Buckeyefan21x, Wortham
Tier V DD ships - No Premiums - No limit on commander points being allowed to be used.

Map will be Ocean with Tournament Domination rules with 10 minutes time limit. Now the map will show caps ABC but only B will be allowed to be captured. If a player Captures A or C they are disqualified. They can move within caps A and C to dodge torps but absolutely can not be captured.

If no player kills another and doesn't cap, Player with the most Health wins and moves on to the next round.

There will be at least 1 Referee in each match divided up between KAG/WAP leadership teams.

If your opponent is MIA for your match we will move on to the next scheduled match. By the time were ready to advance to the next round if your opponent still hasn't showed up, you will automatically advance to the next round.