The NHL 21 Tournament will be played in the comfort of your own home!
GENREAL RULES 1. There will be no crossplay for this tournament. Xbox One participants and PlayStation 4 participants will follow the same rules but have two separate tournaments. 2. Participants will get a 5 minute grace period. If a team is not ready to play 5 minutes after the scheduled game time, they must forfeit the game. 3. Team captains must add their opponent's captain as a friend online and invite them to a lobby to begin a match. 4. The winner of the match is required to record the score on the toornament page. 5. Players must play on their own console.
GAME SETUP 1. The following settings will be applied throughout each game: • 3v3 World of CHEL mode • Minimum of 3 players & optional 4th player which will be a goalie • If team of 3, goalie will be a CPU player • Duration of periods : 10 minutes • Fights: Activated • Penalties: Activated • Injuries: Deactivated • Offside: On time • Relief refused: Hybrid • Overtime: 1 period of 4 minutes • Automatic end of the match when a team reaches a difference of 7 goals
2. Regardless of any agreement between players, games will be played by the rules above unless changes are made by the Rock Esports staff.
3. Participants may play with any current NHL Team. No All-Star, Legend or Modified Teams may be used.
4. Participants are allowed to change teams game to game.
5. In the event that during a game, a player loses the connection or gets booted, the game must be restarted taking into account the time remaining to play in the first game and the goals of both teams when disconnecting. A new game will be resumed to play the remaining time in the first game. The goals of the first part must then be added to the result of the second part.
6. A regular player can be replaced by a substitute / backup player at any time during the tournament, except during a game. The alignment that starts a game should preferably be the one that ends it. However, if a player 'lag out' and is unable to return to the game, it is possible to replace the player with a substitute. On the other hand, the team at fault must take a minor penalty (for example by throwing the puck into the stands) by returning to the new game.
7. The score of the "forfeit" games (won by default) is determined according to the average goal gap of the winning team by default.
TIE BREAKER • In the event of a tie in Round Robin, the tie break will be determined by: 1) Total number of wins 2) Goal differential for less goals against 3) Result of the duel between the tied teams 4) If the tie persists after the points 1 to 3, it will go to the team with the highest total goals scored.
Cheating, Glitches, Reporting a Violation 1. If a glitch/freeze occurs in the system the game will be completely restarted with settings remaining the same (i.e. teams). 2. Any attempt to make the game glitch/freeze will result in an automatic forfeit from the game. a. This includes throwing the controller, excessively pausing and starting the game, etc. 3. Puck Ragging is prohibited & teams will be disqualified if proof is provided.
St Johns (UTC-03:30)
Daty turniejów
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