CoL Esports Event 2021

Organizator: City of Launceston
Game Forge, 85 George St, Launceston.
By participating in this tournament, you’re agreeing to follow the rules below. All decisions regarding the interpretation of these rules, player eligibility, scheduling, tournament format and penalties for misconduct, lie solely with assigned Tournament officials whose decisions will be final. These rules may be amended, modified, or supplemented at any time in order to ensure fair play and the integrity of the tournament.

To be eligible to compete, players must meet the following conditions:
- Players under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to participate; and
- Player’s in-game honour rating must be 2 or higher. (Honour is an in-game system that encourages sportsmanlike play. Players can check their honour rating on the Profile tab after logging in to the League of Legends client. For more info please see:

Team/Summoner names must not include profanity or inappropriate language/references. We reserve the right to request summoner name changes to any player with an inappropriate name.

Teams must be composed of a captain and four players (“Players”). Up to two substitutes can be registered. Players cannot be listed on multiple rosters at any given time and cannot play for more than one team per round.

There must be a minimum of one PC distance between teams during play.

Players must maintain a physical distance of at least 1.5m when not playing.

To maintain social distancing, family and friends of players who wish to spectate are encouraged to watch the stream online or at Macquarie House.

Teams will be allocated to Bracket A or Bracket B. Bracket A will run from 10am to 1pm on Saturday, and Bracket B will run from 2pm to 5pm on Saturday. The top two teams from Bracket A and the top two teams from Bracket B will compete in the Finals Bracket on Sunday from 10am to 2pm. In the case of a draw/equal score, the team that won in the fastest time will be ranked higher.

All players will be expected to be ready to join the game lobby and start play following the start time of the tournament. Readiness includes, but is not limited to, completed client patching, configuration of in-game settings, and completed runes and mastery pages.

Teams need to arrive at Game Forge at least fifteen (15) minutes before their bracket is scheduled to start for check in. Teams will have a five (5) minute grace period to attend their scheduled match and field five players before they receive one of two penalties. If the team is less than ten (10) minutes late to the round, they lose a ban. If the team is more than ten (10) minutes late, they receive a game loss penalty.

If a team member is unwell or cannot connect due to technical difficulties, the team may choose to play with only four players.

Teams are to use tournament codes to join the lobby. If the tournament code is not available match creation is as follows; Teams will be assigned blue or red side for each match. The team on the blue side will need to create the lobby.

Both teams are allowed five (5) minutes of pause allowance. You must unpause once you have gone past ten minutes of pause timer. Tournament admins also have five (5) minutes in case they need to make a decision. If your team pauses the game, you must confirm with the other team that both teams are ready to resume play. The other team must unpause the game. You can pause in the Tournament Draft format game using "/pause" & "/resume" in the game chat. You cannot pause during a fight that involves 3 or more champions from either team.

There will be no game restarts except under extreme situations. Final decision on game restarts will be at the tournament organizers discretion.

Players have a right to receive fair and balanced treatment during the tournament. Players who knowingly do something against the rules to gain an advantage are cheating. Examples include but not limited to:
- Impersonating another player in the tournament, playing under a false name, playing using another player’s summoner name or account sharing.
- Playing with a player of another team’s roster or exceeding your roster limit and using another player.
- Triggering a pause or delaying the tournament to gain any advantage.
- Exploiting or intentionally using any in-game bugs to gain an advantage.
The penalty for cheating is immediate disqualification from the tournament.

Collusions is conspiring or cooperating with opposing teams in a tournament in order to deceive or cheat others. Match fixing is intentionally underperforming or losing a game to change the outcome of the overall result of the game and the tournament. Penalty for collusion or match fixing is disqualification from the tournament for both teams.

All players have the right to a safe and enjoyable tournament experience and all players should be aware if their behaviour infringes on those principles. Unsportsmanlike behaviour occurs when a player or a team does something disruptive to the tournament or its participants.

Examples of minor unsportsmanlike behaviour include but aren’t limited to:
- Swearing or profanity
- Demanding the opponent receives a penalty, even after an admin decision has been made final.
The penalty for minor unsportsmanlike behaviour is a warning. Any teams/players on the team that receive a total of three (3) warnings will lose the game. Fourth warning will result in automatic disqualification from the tournament and having to leave the venue.

Examples of major unsportsmanlike behaviour include but aren’t limited to:
- Failing to follow official tournament instructions aimed at a player or team.
- Directly insulting someone using hate speech that targets a specific group (race, religion, gender, disability, etc.)
- Aggressive or inappropriate behaviour that’s not directed at another person (cursing, frustration, hostility, etc.).
- Aggressive or inappropriate behaviour targeting an individual (threats, personal attack, etc.)
The penalty for major unsportsmanlike behaviour is a game loss. Repeated major unsportsmanlike behaviour will result in automatic disqualification from the tournament and having to leave the venue.

Examples of severe unsportsmanlike behaviour include but aren’t limited to:
- Physical aggression
- Damage to equipment or property
Severe unsportsmanlike behaviour will result in automatic disqualification from the tournament and having to leave the venue.