UnrealTournament4 Normal Weapons Duel Cup

Organizator: UnrealPUGs NormalWeapons https://discord.gg/unrealpugs-nw
Best of 3 maps
- 1e round: Player 1 chooses a map.
- 2e round: Player 2 chooses a map.
- 3e round: if you need to play a 3rd map/round in case of a tie score you will need to play a decider map! ( it will be chosen by an admin for all decider rounds before the entire cup starts)
- Each round will last 10 minuits, please use the pre-defined nwDuel Cup match settings on one of the UnrealPUGs.com Hubs


Make a screenshot at the end of every game!
[Default F9]
Send the screenshot to one of the cup admins!

– Do your utter best to start your match at your starting time.
– Between maps players may have max 10 minutes break.

- Each Player Gets 1 Wildcard, that can be used once throughout the entire cup, if a player doesn't show up his wildcard will be used and match will be automatically rescheduled.
- Lose your wildcard once and Don't show up again, you are out.
- Any players who do not show up to even arrange their match will loose their wildcard In 3 days, we can't wait forever.