Quick Rules : EN Depending on the number of players there will be more rounds.
👉 Our LOR tournaments are on Toornament platform.
📌 : To join our tournament ➡ You need a Toornament account; ➡ You need to fill a correct LOR nickname; ➡ You need to fill carefully your 3 decks without duplicate champion.
📌 : Scheduling ➡ The tournament start at 8PM CET; ➡ The tournament is played in Bo3 conquest mode with 3 decks with no duplicate champion.
📌 : Announcement and composition of the decks : ➡ Decks cannot have a common champion; ➡ It's possible to have a "no-champion deck" (max 1); ➡ The combination of regions in each deck must be uniqu;. ➡ Decks will be available from 8pm.
📌 : Organization of the matches : ➡ Before the match each player must banish one of the decks registered by his opponent (at registration). ➡ The match is played in conquests mode, i.e. you have to win with your two unbanned decks. This means that the winner has to change decks.
📌 : Organization of the tournament : ➡ The tournament is in simple elimination. ➡ Validate your score on toornament and don't hesitate to take a screen in case of dispute. ➡ As soon as your next match is ready, you can start.
📌 : Webcast ➡ You can stream the tournament with the delay you want. ➡ You must imperatively add the following logo on your stream: https://static.project-conquerors.com/LOGO/PCS/Tournoi/conquerorscup_legends-of-runeterra.png ➡ In case of streamhack or any problem related to the broadcasting of the competition, the tournament administration cannot be held responsible.
📌 : Tournament Administration : ➡ If you encounter bugs with the internet connection or with the game client, the tournament administration cannot be held responsible. ➡ In case of problems, the tournament administration reserves the right to apply a sanction as it sees fit.
âš Important âš Minors under 12 years of age are not permitted to enter our cash reward sports tournaments. To play Legends of Runeterra you must be at least 7 years old (PEGI7). In the event that you win money and you are a minor, you must provide a parental certificate.
👉Pour any questions or additional information, do not hesitate to contact us via our discord ( https://ecpcs.eu/DD-CNQ ).
Paris (UTC+01:00)
Daty turniejów
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