

A player is allowed to have only one (1) Valorant account active on their GLL account. Valorant nickname has to be in format Riot ID#Tagline. (Example: Mrsmith#EUNE). Any other format will be invalid.
You are not allowed to share or use another person’s game account. Your account is for your use, and your use alone.

Each team’s roster must consist of at least 5 players.
Each team’s roster will be allowed to have 5 main players and 1 substitute. Once the tournament starts, you cannot replace any player.
A substitute player may only be added before the Tournament Start.
This player cannot be part of any other team’s roster which is participating or has participated in the same tournament.
Match has to be played in the following format: 5v5.
A player is allowed to represent only one (1) team’s roster in the same tournament.


3.1 Before the Match:

Tournament Round will start as scheduled unless said otherwise. Some rounds might get delayed, for all the information please check our discord, where all information is current. ( Schedule can be found on the tournament overview and on the right side of the website ).
Once the match starts, on the ASES website you will see the nickname of the captain of the opposite team. The rest of the players will be written on ASES Valorant discord in #tournament-matches.
The team which is on the top of the match in the bracket will have to invite the opposite team to the custom game. In order to do so, you need to add the captain of the opposite team as a friend. Please check the discord for the other players and invite them as well if the captain is not accepting the invitation for a few minutes. (Example: Mrsmith#EUNE. Mrsmith is the Riot ID and EUNE is the Tagline).
If your team is on the bottom of the match in the bracket, please check all the players of the opposite team and if you receive an invitation from them, you have to accept it.
The server has to be set up as written in GAMEPLAY SETTINGS.
If you are the inviting team (top team) and players of the opposite team are not coming by 10 minutes, please report it to the admin team on the ASES Valorant discord to #tournament-support. The same goes for the opposite if you are supposed to be invited and you are not receiving an invitation by 10 minutes.
All the players have to be in the lobby before the time limit goes down (15 minutes). If there are players missing after this time limit, take a screenshot and post it in the #tournament-support on the ASES Valorant discord. The team which has less than 5 players after the time limit will be disqualified from the tournament. If both teams are missing players, then both are disqualified.
Once all the players are connected to the lobby, Team captains have to check all the players if their Valorant nicknames match the nicknames written on the discord. If there are any discrepancies, please inform the admin on the discord by writing into the #tournament-support with the screenshot provided.
The ASES reserves the right to join any match as an observer. If that is the case, team captains will be informed.
Team captains of each team will have to choose maps and sides as described:
Team 1 bans a map from the map pool.
Team 2 bans a map from the map pool.
Team 1 picks a map from the remaining 2 maps.
Team 2 will pick a side (Attackers/Defenders) to start on.
The team on the top – choosing the first map from the map pool.
The team on the bottom – choosing which side they will start on the first map.
The team on the bottom – choosing the second map from the map pool.
The team on the top – choosing which side on which they will start on the second map.
The team on the bottom – choosing the third map from the map pool.
The team on the top – choosing which side on which they will start on the third map.
Each map from the map pool can be chosen only once. ( If the map is banned, then it cannot be chosen). We suggest taking a screenshot after the map selection is completed.

After map selection team captains have to write that their team is ready in the lobby chat. The game should not start before that.
The match has to start at the latest 15 minutes after the tournament round started. Before starting team captains have to take a screenshot of the lobby.
In BO3 the games will be hosted by ASES staff.

3.2 During the Match:

If one of the teams will not pick all the agents in the character selection screen and the game goes back to the lobby, the game has to be remade.
In the case that the game started before writing ready from both sides, the team which did not write ready has the right to call a remake before round 1 of the game starts. (before the countdown in the game of round 1 reaches 0).
If any of the players are not connected to the game before the counter reaches 0, the team can call a remake and the game has to be remade.
If the game started on the wrong map, the game has to be remade.
In order to do the remake, all the players have to leave the match. Start the next game as soon as possible. Both team captains will have to write ready again. If the team is not ready by 5 minutes after the remake, the team which is not ready will be disqualified. Game can be remade only once, the game has to be played in the way it started after the remake, even if the issues will occur. The situation can still be reported in #tournament-support.
If the team which is hosting the game does not remake. The Opposing team can report the situation to the Admins on the ASES Valorant Discord in the #tournament-support. The case will be reviewed and can result in disqualification of the team which did not do a remake.
If a player disconnects during the game, the game has to continue and will not be remade. (If the game has the ASES observer and cheats are enabled, the game can be paused during the preparation phase, This pause will be counted towards the teams one (1) min pause allowance).
If the servers are acting badly for both teams or the game goes down, please report it to us in #tournament-support.
Each team has the right to pause a game once during a match for no longer than a minute during the preparation phase of any round. If you do pause a game, inform the opposite team about your pause. If the team pause will be longer or will occur more than once, please report the situation to the admins.
3.3 After the Match:

Once the match finishes, both team captains have to take a screenshot of the results and post it in the #tournament-results on the ASES Valorant discord after each game. Please use the following format:
(Round – Game: Team 1 13:7 Team 2,
Example: Round 256 – Game 1: Blue Balloons 7:13 Yellow Balloons)
On the game result screenshot, results above the scoreboard, all the players and information of the match on the right of the results have to be visible.