GetCracked! 2v2 Arena

GetCracked! 2v2 Arena Tournament

Online, North America
North America ONLY

-Teams must join the Discord to be officially registered for this tournament.

-Teams must register players with IN-GAME names only. No aliases.

-Teams will use the Discord channels to schedule games and report results.

-This tournament will be DOUBLE elimination.

Map picks will use the following format:
Game 1: Higher seed chooses map
Game 2: Loser of Game 1 chooses map
Game 3: Loser of Game 2 chooses map

Each Game is set to 5 round limit. First to 5 wins the match.

Maps can only be picked ONCE per match.

Winner's Bracket: BO3
Losers's Bracket: BO3
Grand Finals: BO3 -- will reset into an additional BO3 if Loser's Bracket team wins the first set.

Map Pool: Junktion, Heikam, Bazaar, Barrow's Gate