DS Apex Legends Tournament #3

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
Organizator: Geo
1. Teams of 3, Can have 1 Sub: they need to be a part of the dropping spicy discord. Drop your team name below along with the 2 members and sub from your team once chat is enabled.

Once a team has been submitted, I need to be notified if any changes occur via Discord DM. Once the tournament starts no teams may change. Changes can be considered and approved by me on a situational basis. TEAMS must be submitted by July 30th.

2. All platforms are allowed. You may only be on one team and on one platform.

3. YOU MAY SUBMIT GAMES WITH ONLY TWO PEOPLE AND A RANDOM, BUT YOU MUST HAVE A TEAM OF 3 TO ENTER! PTS ONLY COUNT FOUR YOUR TWO PEOPLE. This is to help teams that might have their third missing all the time.

4. Scoring: Wins = 5 points, kills = 2 points, and damage bonus = Overall Damage/175 (avg health) - Kills. (There is no cap on points for kills.)

5. Teams choose their 5 best games for scoring. Games submitted for scoring require a screenshot to be sent to Geo#4574 on Discord. There is a google form that needs to be filled out for every team as well. You should not submit it all at once.



Please add Geo#4574 in Discord to submit your screen shots and to add your results from each game via the GOOGLE SHEET:


We will not be using this website for scoring, only for setup. We have special scoring that this website can not include. This is done through the google sheet provided by the link. Once submitting your team PLEASE travel to the google sheet and do the same. Within the google sheet you should only put your team name and player names. For each game you would wish to submit, remember YOU CAN ONLY SUBMIT 5, please enter number of wins multiplied by 5 in the win cell for all games, number of kills per each player for each game, and the damage for each player as well.