COD Mobile - CTSPH Season 1

Urządzenie mobilne
ALL team members are ACTIVE Cognizant employees on the tournament date.
ALL Team Members and Captain should have access to webcam other than the mobile phone used for the play.
ALL members should log in to the zoom meeting room at least 30 minutes before the start of tournament for attendance and technical checks. Late members will lead to team disqualification.
Team Captain should ensure that ALL members are advised of the tournament schedule.
ALL team members should login to the dedicated COD Mobile Discord community atleast 30 minutes before start of tournament for attendance checking. Team members who are late will be banned from joining the tournament but may join the next scheduled tournament together with his team.
All tournament players should have access to webcam or has another mobile phone which can act as the camera which should be turned on throughout the tournament and showing the registered player playing the game with his/her mobile phone.

Official tournaments expect players to be professional at all times and observe the highest standards of persnal integrity and sportsmanship. Bullying is not allowed.If players are found to collude with other team members or members of other teams to provide any player with advantages or benefits, or pre-arranging to share the benefits if that team won or deliberately losing a tournament game for compensation will lead to disqualification of both teams. Furthermore, cheating of any sort is prohibited. Cheating includes use of any kind of cheating device or program, or any other method like signaling devices or intentionally using any in-game bug to get undue advantage is also prohibited. Players also cannot use another player’s account to play. Moreover, vulgar or hateful speech, violence, drugs and alcohol, gambling, and unauthorized communication will lead to disqualification.

Apart from disqualifications, organizers also have the right to impose penalties which include verbal or written public warnings, forfeiture and bans for current and future tournaments.

Team Captain should not be a captain of multiple teams, otherwise, all of the teams under that Team Captain will be disqualified and will not be able to join the tournament.

Changes of the roster/team members/captain is done during the tournament date is NOT ALLOWED and will result to disqualification.