ADU: Action Quake 2 Season One 4v4 Tournament (Oceania)

Organizator: Action Down Under
Map List:
Urban, Urban2, Urban3, Urban4, Rhcity1, Tokyo, Riot, Passin, Beer, Murder, Deepcanyon, Cliff2. Teams can choose to play a map that is not on this list if both teams agree. You cannot replace the set map.

Organising games:
Players will organise games amongst themselves. Life happens and sometimes games may not be played in a certain week. We will need to allow for this but please try and get each round done within the week or it will hold up other games down the track. I would suggest pre-planning matches with team captains via Discord and FB.

All games are to be played on the Match Mode server ( If there are concurrent games then we may need to utilise the second server. Please let either Topdeck or Lordo know what days you're planning on playing and report screenshots of map results to them. MVD's will be recorded on the server(s) for posterity. Server admins are: Topdeck, Cyp, Vamps and Insomniac.

Matchmode Commands (in console):
captain- makes you the captain of the team you're on.
sub- makes you a sub for your team.
lock - locks the team from other players joining. Captain only. Undone with unlock and removed end of map.
teamname "name" - changes your team name.
ready - ready's up the team. Unready can be used during the game and will go into effect after the round.

Gameplay Rules:
* Round time limit: 1.5 minutes
* Round limit: 15
* No Ratbot.
* No M4 Script.
* No wallhacks.
* No RCON use/abuse outside of match set up.
* No screen cheating.
* Some people will get competitive and tempers will flare. Act like adults. Points will be deducted from a team if toxic behaviour continues after being asked to stop. Even if it's just one player from the team.
* No blatant troll like camping. i.e. teams statically holding one room for the whole round.
* Voice will be allowed, please expect it to be used.

Sub Rules:
* Maximum of one sub per team on game night.
* You must use your designated 5th as your sub.
* If you do not have a sub then you must pick a player from the bottom two teams on the ladder. If none are available and no members of the ADU community are available then pick higher.
* If a team is unable to field 4 players, and no subs are available, then 3v3 if both teams agree otherwise the match is a forfeit.

TDm - Firewalker, Twisted, Logo, Topdeck, Insom
MiT - Cypress, 2tones, Tech, Drake, Fraud
TFG - Vamps, Smurf, Eliviking, Res, Sili
TBH - Caveman, TheJackal, Moose, FrankGrimes
Rev - Mix, Skank, Socsta, Mazzstein, Boogs
DcG - Lordo, Apostle, Zypher, Coco