Call Of Duty Ghetto Warzone

Call Of Duty Ghetto Warzone (PS4, Xbox, Pc)

Playstation 4, PC, Xbox One
Organizator: Ghetto Games
Online, Riga
Tournament Structure

First phase - Groups

All players will have one start time and will run for two hours. Within those two hours, players are able to play as many games of Warzone as they like and will submit their !!!!! best three game results !!!!
After first phase the top 16 players will advance to the next tournament phase - elimination round.

Game Rules - For the first phase.
Call of Duty Warzone Solo's

Points System for the first phase -

In Game ranks-
1st: 10 points
2nd - 5th: 7 points
6th - 15th: 5 points
16th - 25th: 3 points
26th - 50th: 2 points

Kills: 1 point

Players are responsible for playing their own games during the first phase.

Proof of Results -
You will have to make a phone video of your individual game score (you have to know the rank of your game and it has to be shown on the video).
You will have to send/report 3 best scores.
Additionally, we will check player stats via

Reporting stats of the game -
Afer 2h game you have to report stats of your 3 best scores in Toornamnet platform.
Game 1 - Placement & Kills
Game 2 - Placement & Kills
Game 3 - Placement & Kills

The player will have 2h game time and an additional 15 minutes after the match is over to submit these results. If they fail to do so within this time, they will be disqualified and their results will not be counted.

Any game started within 15 minutes of the tournament's end time will not be counted as a valid score. (You cant start a new game 1h and 46min into the match)

We recommend every player to record their games in case any complications occur.
Timestamps or other methods for validating your results are recommended in the event of any complications.

Anyone submitting false, fake or doctored proof to advance yourself in the tournament will be disqualified and banned from future Ghetto E-Games tournaments.

Players discovered to have been playing in a game mode other than Solo's will be disqualified.

If we receive zero results that player will be considered a forfeit.

The second phase - Elimination

In the elimination rounds, you will play two back-to-back games in 3vs3 game mode with your opponent on the party/team. Quad fill option has to be off (no third player). You have to play only with your opponent on your team.

Game Rules -
The main objective is to have more kills than your opponent.

Proof of Results
When your match is over you have to record screen with your kills.
You have to spectate and wait till your opponent has died.

If after two matches score is even, you have to play another match. The player with most kills in two rounds advances to the next round.

In case someone has been disconnected from the game, you have to show the other player that it wants your fault, by sending game recordings.
In case you lost internet or elictricity for more than 30 min - you get automatic disqualification from the tournament.
We believe that our tournament members will play by Fair Play rules.

The final is streamed on GhettoTV youtube on Sunday, May 10th.