Eximius Winter Tournament 2020

* All team members must join the Ammobox Studios Discord Channel
*Participants must be at least 17 years old to participate
* Teams must consist a minimum of 3 players, per team
* All team members must own a copy of Eximius: Seize the Frontline on Steam
* The tournament is meant to be fun and enjoyable, please be respectful of other teams and team members
*Teams can register with a minimum of 3 players but are highly encouraged to get a full team of 5.
*In situations where a player(s) have to pull out, teams can continue to participate with the game's A.I officers.
* All games with be a Best of 3
* Participating teams are required to confirm their attendance 30 minutes before the start of the match.
*If a participating team or any member of a participating team, fails to join a game within 5 minutes of the scheduled time, the result will be an automatic loss.
*Match times will be constantly updated to participating teams in the event of delays.
*Scores from all matches will be recorded by tournament marshal.
*Selected games will be live-streamed
*The organizers reserve the right to change any details pertaining to the event without prior notice. In the event that any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions will be posted on this website immediately.
*Winning teams will be contacted by the organizers for details to ensure prize money can be delivered to the respective teams.
*Each winning team is responsible for their own cash prize and any additional taxation or cost relevant to their respective country's laws is the team and it's members' responsibility.