Echo Combat PTS Community Cup

Echo Combat PTS Community Cup

Organizator: Echo Community
Online, Echo VR
1. Start time

All matches are supposed to start within 5 minutes. If the other team does not show up or causes major delays please report to an admin immediately. add (Ducky156#7103 on Discord)

2. Breaks

Keep any breaks as short as possible to avoid delays. Match starts, technical issues and other delays should not take longer than 5 minutes and breaks between matches not longer than 2 minutes. Report longer delays to an admin immediately.

3. Forfeiting

Any team can forfeit at any time.

4. Technical Issues

Teams are responsible for any of their own technical issues, including hardware, software, or internet issues. Matches are to be continued as normal if these issues arise.

4.1 Resolving Technical Issues

If a player disconnects mid-match there will be no restarting the match, play continues. You are able to re-invite the disconnected player and they will be able to continue playing once they join.