
Gracze w meczu


Full Discord ID and Steam Profile Page URL [if using a Steam account]: Divine#3952
Deck 1 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: Stormbringer: ScratPack, Wall, BannerMan, PlasmaMarines, ScratHorde, CannonRoller, BurstCannon, DivineWarrior, CrossbowGuild, Guardian
Deck 2 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: Apep: IllusoryCleaver, ScratPack, GatlingBike, Cursebearer, DragonWhelp, ScratHorde, TranquilShihou, WhirlyScrat, DefensoChopper, DivineWarrior
Deck 3 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: Ravager: IllusoryCleaver, Wall, HealingFireball, RageThrowers, Priestess, SpearThrowers, WhirlyScrat, DefensoChopper, Spiritmancer, Guardian
Deck 4 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: ArcaneMage: ScreamingScrat, BlackHole, CrystalArcher, PlasmaMarines, DefensoChopper, DivineWarrior, Infiltration, LaserTurret, ArmoredEscort, DeadlyTwins
[Optional] Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/maxientius


Full Discord ID and Steam Profile Page URL [if using a Steam account]: Universalflare#4811 https://steamcommunity.com/id/Universalflare
Deck 1 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: ArcaneMage: ManaPuffMadness, ShockRock, ArmoredScrats, Rampage, ClippedDragonWhelps, Priestess, RagingReinforcements, DefensoChopper, ScratTank, Succubus
Deck 2 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: Volco: ShockRock, ArmoredScrats, CrystalArcher, Assassin, DroneBuzzers, FireImp, SwarmerKing, UndyingSkeleton, DivineWarrior, DragonBall
Deck 3 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: Ravager: HealPuff, ArmoredScrats, CrystalArcher, Cursebearer, SpiritVessel, ChainLightning, DroneBuzzers, SwarmerKing, DefensoChopper, SoulStealer
Deck 4 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: Apep: CrossbowDudes, GorRakkSacrifice, ScratHorde, SnakeDruid, RageThrowers, XiaoLong, DefensoChopper, LaserTurret, RabidProwler, LastStand
[Optional] Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/universalflare