Celeste Open Championship

Organizator: Project Celeste PvP Balance Team
Prize pool: 500 $

1st - 150 $
2nd - 110 $
3rd - 80 $
4rd - 50 $
5th - 35 $
6th - 35 $
7th - 20 $
8th - 20 $

Tournament starts on September 17th and will last a maximum of 2 months.

Brackets: https://www.toornament.com/tournaments/1721239291051155456/information
To report your result, go to the My Matches section, click on the series played and than report.

Starting maps:

1st Group stage (BO3 round robin) - Sheltered pass

2nd Group stage (BO3 round robin) - Big Island

RO8 (BO5 double elimination)

Quarter-finals: Arabia
Semi-finals: Oasis
Finals: Treasure Island

Grand finals (BO9 and winner of winners bracket starts with 1 map advantage)

Equal footing

Map rules:

First map of any series will be pre-decided. After that it will be loser´s choice. A map can only be played once in a series. There are no vetos.

Map Pool:

Equal footing, Sheltered pass, Arabia, Mountain Crossing, Coastal, Great Lake, Big Island, Treasure Island, Oasis, Bandit Canyon

Civilization Rules:

Players cannot repeat their civilization in a series. Unless its a BO7 and the series goes to game 7, where players can choose any civilization. All games will be played in Champion Mode.
Players will be told the map, and then both players will have to whisper the caster the chosen civ and log out. When online players need to whisper the caster again when they are ready for the invite.

Streaming and casting:

Group stage games are not needed to be all streamed, unless there is a caster available. In this case both players have to work with the streamer.
In case the game is not streamed, the player that wins the map needs to take a printscreen for proof and post it in the discord channel according to the round played.
After both group stages, every game needs to be streamed.

Gameplay Rules:

Caster's can restart the game within 2 minutes as many times as they want if they discover map imbalances. Players can ask for a restart within 2 minutes if the casters find it worthy of a restart, and casters have 1 min to decide.
Hunt delete is punishable. If a player is caught doing it the map win is given to the oponnent. If caught a 2nd time, the player is disqualified from the tournament.
Very rarely AOEO games may crash in the middle of a game. If this occurs take a picture showing proof that the game crashed and send it to the casters.
If one of the players suspects that the oponnent has crashed and thinks the games was in his favour, it needs to take a screenshot of the following post game stats: current military population, current villager population and total resources gathered and techs researched. The tournament staff will then decide if the game needs to be replayed or if a player is losing convincingly then they will receive the loss for the game.


If a player wins a cash prize and fails to claim their prize within 1 month the prize will then be given back to the AOEO bank.
If a player forfeits any games in the tournament then that player also forfeits their right to any prize money, and the money they would have won will go back to the AOEO bank.


Player will be given a limit date to schedule and play their matches.
If both players fail to play their match within the date limit, both are removed from the tournament.
If a player doesnt show any interest in schedule his match, that player is removed from the tournament.
Scheduling will be using the UTC timezone. If needed you can use this: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
Some exceptions could be made, and for that please contact the admins.

In any situation where there is a conflict or a rule is unclear, admins will have the last word.