Asia Pacific Onward Championship

Online, Asia Pacific
This is a social league. Above all else, have fun.

League Member Code of Conduct:
1. Play fairly and within the rules of the League.
2. Treat your fellow gamers, teammates, and competitors with respect.
3. Discriminatory language, hate speech, threats, spam, and other forms of harassment or illegal behavior will not be tolerated.
4. Accusations of impropriety or foul play are taken very seriously.

1. Teams will consist of a minimum of 3 players.
2. Substitutes: Any player listed as a reinforcement may play for any team as required.
3. Where a player leaves a team within 2 weeks of becoming a member, they shall be prohibited from joining another team or participating in a League Match for 2 weeks thereafter.

League Committee:
1. A league committee consisting of a nominated rep of each team will be established.
2. Head Caster will also have a position on the committee.
3. The league committee with openly discuss and decide on all disputes and league issues.
4. For transparency a Committee discord channel will be view-able by all league players however comments will only be allowed by committee members.
5. The committee member from the team in dispute will not be able to vote on the outcome to remove conflict issues.

Matches Organization:
1. Teams are responsible for scheduling times. Players must reach out to the other teams to schedule their matches.
2. Teams must schedule their match by Sunday 2359 AEST of the week prior to it taking place. The match date and time are to be entered into the website.
3. The score must be submitted as soon as practicable or before midnight on Sunday of the week it is played.
4. Teams will play 1 match per week during the season in accordance with the the league roster. All other matches will be considered ‘friendlies’ and not count towards league points.
5. If a team fails to play their allotted match then a forfeit will be issued against the team that failed to show up or arrange a 'reinforcement' through the discord.

Matches Format:
1. A match consists of 3 maps played in a "best of three" format.
2. The accepted game-mode of the league is Uplink.
3. Maps for each week will be decided in advance. All matches for that week will use the same maps. This will allow teams to be able to train for those maps and will save time wasted in lobbies choosing maps.
5. This is a 3v3 league. A team will be ineligible to play its match where it has fewer than 3 players present.
6. The Home team picks the side they want to start on in the first map. Then the Away team picks their side and finally the Home team again.

Scoring System:
Teams enter the score themselves via this website.

Points structure is as follows:
1. A point will be awarded for each map won, not each round played. Regardless of the end score, You will score 1 point for winning the map.

Matches Forfeits:
1. Teams have a 20 minutes buffer from the scheduled match start time to be in the game lobby with a majority of their rostered team members.
2. Once the 20 minutes buffer has elapsed, the team that is not ready (or responsible for the delay) forfeits the first round.
3. If a further 20 minutes elapses without match commencement, the offending team is officially declared a 'no-show' and a score of 3-0 will be awarded to their opponent.
4. Between rounds, a team may call a timeout for any reason.
5. Where a team is delaying a round for more than 5 minutes, the opposing team may notify their counterpart that they are forcing them to use a timeout (said 5 minutes counts toward total timeout).
6. Teams are allotted 2 timeouts each per match.Once the timeout expires, the match must proceed.
7. 2 timeouts cannot be called in succession and at least 1 round must be played between timeouts.
8. In the event a team has no more timeouts remaining and is facing another delay of more than 2 minutes, they must reach an agreement for more time with the opposing team. If agreement can't be reached they will forfeit the match.
9. Failure to abide by this rule can result in League Committee reviewing and issuing a penalty to the offending team up to and including forfeiting the match.

Matches Defaults:
1. In the event that a match has not been played during the allotted time frame, the League Committee will review the circumstances and allocate the match points accordingly.
2. Example resolutions may include the following:
a.) Where neither team made any arrangement efforts, the match will be considered cancelled;
b.) A score of 2-1 may be awarded by default with the 'win' attributed to the team determined to have been available on the most days with a higher weighting given to weekend availability;
c.) A score of 3-0 may be awarded to a team where their opponent has made little/no effort or been objectively determined to have frustrated the organisation of the match; or
Where facts do not permit a clear determination, a 2-1 win may be awarded to the home team.
3. In the event of a team folding or leaving the competition. The scheduled opponent of that team will receive an automatic 3-0 victory for that week and will take it as a bye week.

Streaming & Media Anyone can watch? (under review)
1. ALL match streams, either officially cast or player POV, MUST have at least a 3 minute delay.
2. The League Administration is responsible for authorizing the spectating or casting of league matches via Onward’s spectate function.
3. All teams must permit League sanctioned spectators or casters access to official matches.
Subject to certain exceptions, spectating or casting of an official league match by non-authorized personnel is strictly prohibited.
4. Official match casting must be streamed via the designated League Twitch channels.
League Head Caster may permit a co-caster to stream on another private channel to assist with replay capture.
5. The League Committee may, subject to having good cause, require a particular player to stream or record his/her matches until such a time as specified by the League Committee.

Bugs & Resets:
1. Where there is technical issue, the native reset function may be triggered. It is the responsibility of the resetting team to ensure that the round is reset within the time limit. If for any reason, the reset fails, the resulting score will stand and the match will proceed as normal.
2. Examples of known prevalent bugs:
a.) In the event the same team (Marsoc or Volk) spawns in 2 different locations, the round is automatically voided and must be replayed.
b.) In the event that all Volk enemies are dead, but the round timer continues (making Volk automatically win) the round point actually goes to Marsoc. Marsoc wins by 1 point (they can't take advantage of the bug to capture the objective).
c.) In the event that a game update introduces major bugs experienced by majority of players, the league may decide to extend the week to play the match.

Cheating, Exploits & Breaches:
1. Any cheating, exploiting, or contravention of the rules must be brought to the attention of the League Committee.
2. Cheating is intended to include the intentional, accidental or reckless manipulation of the game and its code in such a way as to confer an unfair advantage on one side or the other.
The term exploit is intended to include the intentional, accidental or reckless triggering of code, attribute or function in game that is otherwise not envisaged as a legitimate feature of the game.
3. Non-exhaustive examples include:
a.) Going outside of map boundaries;
b.) Clipping inside solid objects/floors (using room-scale or not);
d.) Peeking through solid walls;
e.) Using external communication systems (except to declare a problem);
f.) Kicking a teammate from the game to gain an advantage on a situation;
g.) Any other imaginative cheats
The following map locations contain banned glitches:
4. On Suburbia and Tanker, it is not allowed to cook/throw before 15 seconds. Hence, there shall be no frag explosions before 20 seconds and no flash detonations before 17 seconds.
Where a violation of the foregoing rule has occurred, the opposing team can request that the round is replayed.
5. If teams are unable to reach an agreement, the match shall progress as normal and the score will be subject to review by league committee. This could be ruled as a forfeit of that map for the offending team.
6. Any use of the spectate function by participants during official matches, either directly or indirectly, to obtain an advantage of any kind is classified as cheating. Offending parties may face a 3-0 forfeit for their teams next match.
7. Any use of external media streaming (stream sniping) or use of external voice communication systems which pertains to the circumstances, content or any facts arising from the match is classified as cheating.

Decisions & Sanctions:
1. Contravention of any of the rules shall be sanctionable on review by Committee.
2. Formal disputes among league teams and their members are to be lodged via the ‘league disputes’ Discord channel.
3. Unfounded and baseless accusations against players via any public medium are considered to be an act of misconduct.
4. Failure to comply with a request for match VODs, stream links or any other item covered in the above rules will disqualify a player or team from participating in any further League events until they deemed compliant by the League Committee.
5. In relation to any of the above rules, when a majority of the League Committee reach the conclusion that conduct unbecoming of the league has occurred, the League Committee have complete discretion to administer the appropriate sanction.
6. In the event of a conflict of interest, affected League Committee shall recuse themselves from deciding or otherwise commenting on an issue in their capacity as league officials.