NX Oceanic Cup

PC, Playstation 4
Organizator: Noxious Esports
Online, Perth
No communication of any sort with other competitors.

No Teaming in the tournament, no assisting friends or other players to get kills. There is absolute no tolerance and you will immediately be disqualified!

No cheats, hacks or another sort of assists for the games, just play the game properly and win with skill.

You must be connected to the Discord servers, or you will not be eligable to compete!

Your discord username must match your user in Fortnite, if not so amend your discord user to the same as Fortnite's.

You must be available and check-in at least 30 minutes prior the first games. To check in you must send me a message on discord (my user is Suythe#3368) saying checked in. If you send me a message before the time it will be ignored!